Page 4 - focusUnimore_dicembre2022
P. 4
Antonio Ribba
The University Quality Audit, which took place on 6 December, launches Unimore towards new ac-
creditation. In the Audit, the Rectoral Delegates for Education, Research, Third Mission and Inter-
nationalisation presented the review of the activities planned in the University’s Two-Year Plan 2021
- 2022. The Plan also includes important cross-cutting objectives and actions to support the core
missions, which include Sustainability, Organisation, Building, Services and Sport, as well as Quality
Assurance. The Delegate for University Planning, Daniela Quaglino, presented the summary of the set
of objectives and actions envisaged in the 2021-2022 Plan. Although some critical issues emerged,
the evidence showed a good degree of achievement of quality improvement goals. The review
conducted will make it possible to refine the definition of specific objectives and related actions that
will feed into the new University Three-Year Plan 2023 - 2025. The report by the Delegate for Quality
and Coordinator of the University Quality Presidium, Prof. Antonio Ribba, took stock of the state of
implementation of the actions taken over the past 18 months by the University Quality Presidium,
in agreement with the Magnificent Rector and the Bodies, to improve the QA system. Unimore has
developed an articulated training QA system, in line with the quality requirements of the Self-Assess-
ment, Evaluation, Accreditation (AVA) System prepared by ANVUR, and confirmed in the new AVA3
system. Among the good practices introduced in the last three years are the well-established training
of student members of Joint Committees and the more recent training initiative dedicated to student
representatives in the University bodies. This initiative, called student Empowerment, is aligned with
the goal of promoting the centrality of the student, emphasised in the document ‘Standards and
Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area 2015 (ESG 2015)’, approved
by the European conference of education ministers. Good practice also includes the annual Quality
Audit, which contributes to rooting a culture of quality in our university. Unimore achieved positive re-
sults in the Research Quality Assessment (VQR) 2014 - 2019, placing it in the medium-high bracket
of Italian universities as regards the quality of Research and in an even more prestigious position
as regards the quality of Third Mission. The Athenaeum’s commitment to improving the quality of
its missions will continue over the next three years, first and foremost with the definition within the
Athenaeum’s Three-Year Plan 2023 - 2025 of increasingly challenging value targets. At the same
time, efforts will continue to align with the quality requirements defined by ANVUR, in preparation for
the new accreditation cycle.