Page 4 - focusUnimore_gennaio2022
P. 4
Carlo Adolfo Porro
Our University is preparing to inaugurate its 846th Academic Year. The traditional ceremony gives us a sense
of a centuries-old continuity in a cohesive and forward-looking University.
This is a solemn opportunity for us to reiterate the founding values of our University and to continue to outline
a profile that increasingly sets Modena and Reggio Emilia in the scene of the great university cities of Europe.
With a tradition of over eight centuries, and also thanks to its strong link with the social and productive fabric
of the territory, Unimore has always been and still is an example of a community open to the knowledge and
development of people, able to pursue complex challenges through concrete actions, harmoniously placed
within a clear and balanced development perspective.
We look to the future starting from the central role of research, of which in this issue we offer a cross-section
through the recently approved Research Projects of National Relevance (PRIN).
As an institution we are strongly committed to this decisive aspect, especially in a context such as the current
one, which, in terms of public investment, sees a massive return of interest in the university system, which has
always been a driving force for development and cultural, scientific, and human progress.
The event of the inauguration of the academic year goes hand in hand - also in symbolic terms - with Unimore
Orienta that, after taking place online for two years due to the pandemic crisis, is now back in the usual face-
to-face mode, while giving people the opportunity to follow it in streaming.
With a rich program of presentations, our University aims to reach thousands of students and show them the
educational offer of the Academic Year 2022/2023.
In line with the objectives of the University’s Strategic Plan, with a view to increasingly enhancing the needs
and proposals of the student community, the key players of the communication campaign of this edition were
a group of students of the Bachelor’s Degree programme in Management and Business Communication who
had the opportunity to address their “colleagues” of high schools by experimenting with the most innovative
and effective ways of interaction and communication.
We believe that our young people are the best evidence of the quality that our multidisciplinary University can
offer, from teaching to services.
l nostro Ateneo si appresta ad inaugurare continuare a delinearne un profilo che sempre più
il suo 846° Anno Accademico: la continui ad affermare Modena e Reggio Emilia nel
tradizionale cerimonia ci restituisce il panorama delle grandi città universitarie d’Europa.
senso di una continuità secolare in un Forte di una tradizione di oltre otto secoli,
IUniversità coesa e proiettata verso il Unimore, grazie anche al saldo legame con il
tessuto sociale e produttivo del territorio, continua
Si tratta di un’occasione solenne che ci permette a proporsi come esempio di comunità aperta alla
di ribadire i valori fondanti del nostro Ateneo e di conoscenza e allo sviluppo delle persone, in grado