Page 18 - focusUnimore_settembre2023
P. 18
Center for Artificial Intelligence and Vision:
Unimore guarda al futuro della ricerca su AI e
visione computazionale
Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Vision: Unimore looks to the future of AI and computational
vision research
The new Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Vision at Unimore is a key infrastructure for innovation in arti-
ficial intelligence and computational vision research, supported by an ecosystem of international academic
and industrial collaborations. It will be based in the “Enzo Ferrari” Department of Engineering (DIEF), where
the foundation stone laying ceremony was held in the presence of the Rector. The CAIV will provide physical
space and resources to researchers from DIEF and the University, who have been working on Artificial Intel-
ligence and Computer Vision for years in the AImagelabs of DIEF and as part of the AIRI (AI Research and In-
novation) Interdepartmental Centre. In total, about 50 Unimore researchers, active internationally in the most
relevant topics of artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision and convergence between vision
and language in Large Scale Models, will work at CAIV. This will also be done in collaboration with CINECA,
as well as focusing on human-robot interaction and the topics of Responsible AI, i.e. the design of new
intelligent systems that are reliable, socially acceptable, as well as energy and economically sustainable. The
infrastructure will be one of the largest European laboratories specialising in “Artificial Intelligence Engineer-
ing”, in the fields of deep learning, vision and multimodality, and will be a flagship for international visibility
and scientific achievements. The CAIV and its infrastructure will position itself as an Italian and European
point of reference in research on the sustainability of AI and answers to the important societal challenges
that AI can now face. It will represent a significant expansion of the Modena Technopole, already home to
the specialised laboratories of DIEF, the Intermech Centre and the Automotive Academy.
a posa della prima pietra ha se- nuta all’interno del Dipartimento di Ingegneria
gnato in questi giorni l’avvio del ‘Enzo Ferrari’ di Unimore ove avrà la sua sede.
cantiere per il nuovo Center for La prima parte della cerimonia, svoltasi presso
Artificial Intelligence and Vi- il Tecnopolo di Modena, ha visto gli interventi
Lsion di Unimore: un’infrastrut- del Magnifico Rettore di Unimore, Carlo Adolfo
tura chiave per l’innovazione nella ricerca su Porro, che ha sottolineato l’importanza del nuo-
intelligenza artificiale e visione computazio- vo centro per il panorama accademico. A seguire,
nale, sostenuta da un ecosistema di collaborazio- Massimo Borghi, Direttore del Dipartimento di
ni accademiche e industriali, sia a livello regionale Ingegneria ‘Enzo Ferrari’ di Unimore, ha delineato
sia a livello internazionale. gli obiettivi scientifici del progetto. Rita Cucchia-
La cerimonia di posa della prima pietra si è te- ra, Direttrice del Centro Interdipartimentale AIRI di