Page 18 - focusUnimore_gennaio2022
P. 18

Contamination Lab: grande spazio per

        l’innovazione e l’imprenditorialità per gli
        studenti e le studentesse di Unimore

                  Contamination Lab: great room for innovation and entrepreneurship for Unimore students

                  The project “Unimore Contamination Lab” is a container of projects for innovation and entrepreneurship
                  that aims to create multidisciplinary and extracurricular proposals for Unimore students. Professors of the
                  University work in this project and together with smart students create projects that bring the world of train-
                  ing closer to that of entrepreneurship in a field characterised by design challenges and innovative proposals.
                  The Contamination Lab supports the following projects:: ICARO, TACC, CBI, SUGAR, START UP JAM, BEL-
                  LACOOPIA UNIVERSITY.
                  ICARO trains to innovation and entrepreneurship by helping young people approach the entrepreneurial
                  TACC is dedicated to those willing to try the automotive sector with entrepreneurship and innovation.
                  CBI allows the collaboration with CERN researchers to find out new solutions for the future of humankind by
                  means of multidisciplinary approaches.
                  SUGAR is an international network in which students of different universities joins together to address chal-
                  lenges of product development in the real world, again through multidisciplinary approaches.
                  START UP JAM is the event dedicated to students, new graduates, PhD students, researchers, and profes-
                  sors of the University who are willing to put at stake their entrepreneurial ideas.
                  BELLACOOPIA UNIVERSITY is a course in collaboration with Legacoop intended to promote the knowledge of
                  the cooperative enterprise jointly with the development of innovative projects.

                                nato nel 2017 il progetto “Uni-  Al suo interno lavorano docenti dell’Ateneo che
                                more Contamination Lab”:       assieme  a  studenti  e  studentesse  brillanti  dan-
                                si tratta di un contenitore di   no vita a progetti che avvicinano il mondo della
                                progetti per l’innovazione e   formazione e dell’imprenditoria su un terreno
                  È l’imprenditorialità che si pro-            caratterizzato da sfide progettuali e proposte in-
                pone di creare proposte multidisciplinari ed extra-  novative.
                curriculari aperte agli studenti Unimore.        Il Contamination Lab supporta i progetti

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