Page 22 - focusUnimore_giugno2024
P. 22

Unimore partner del nuovo Centro Nazionale per il

        Futuro della Biodiversità NBFC

                  Unimore partners with the new National Centre for the Future of Biodiversity NBFC

                  Italy is one of the Mediterranean countries richest in biodiversity and endemic species and, thanks to the
                  Recovery Plan, the National Centre for the Future of Biodiversity (NBFC), of which Unimore is a partner, was
                  founded with the aim of monitoring, conserving and restoring biodiversity and identifying effective strategies
                  to protect and enhance biological diversity in the Mediterranean basin. Research and innovation are the key
                  ingredients not only to conserve the great diversity of organisms in our country and the Mediterranean, but
                  also to devise new processes and products to restore biodiversity and generate economic, social and envi-
                  ronmental value. A central element of the NBFC is the close relationship between biodiversity and personal
                  well-being. Biodiversity is a key resource for counteracting the effects of climate change, preventing floods,
                  fires, soil erosion and pollution of environmental resources. Central to the NBFC is the definition of pro-
                  cesses capable of promoting ecosystem services to generate value from biodiversity and activate virtuous,
                  replicable and scalable mechanisms in different environments with similar characteristics. An important step
                  of the NBFC was taken in May in Palermo, where the first Forum of the National Biodiversity Future Centre
                  was held, the Centre’s first major scientific event where over 600 researchers from all over Italy participated.

                                  ell’ambito del cambiamento     La biodiversità è la soluzione perché rappresen-
                                  climatico, perdita di habitat,   ta una risorsa essenziale per l’umanità e per la
                                  estinzione locale e globale   salute degli ecosistemi che sono alla base della
                                  delle specie, monitoraggio,   rigenerazione delle risorse ambientali. L’Italia è tra
                  Nconservazione, ripristino e                 i Paesi del Mediterraneo più ricchi di biodiversità
                valorizzazione della biodiversità è ormai un’emer-  e di specie endemiche, condizione riconosciuta e
                genza globale.                                 valorizzata con le modifiche, approvate nel febbra-

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