Page 4 - focusUnimore_luglio2022
P. 4
Ha preso il via la “sessione di esami”
anche per il nostro Ateneo
Daniela Quaglino
The “exam session” has started also for our University
The month of June marked the beginning of a series of monitoring activities aimed at evaluating the
achievement of the objectives of the Strategic Plan 2021-2022. Despite the continuous obstacles given by
the pandemic emergency, the commitment of Unimore in the last two years has however allowed to reach
a set of important goals that confirm the ambition to improve the quality of teaching, research and the third
mission through actions on internationalisation, sustainability, construction, services, sports, and more gen-
erally quality assurance. Unimore confirmed its first place for graduate employability in the annual ranking
drawn up by Censis, and has reported an excellent teaching evaluation for many degree programmes. In ad-
dition, it has further expanded the educational offer with three-year degree programmes, has strengthened
its Orientation and Tutoring activities, and has approved the Gender Equality Plan; it has paid attention to the
theme of sustainability, has brought numerous actions to improve the usability and quality of university facili-
ties, and has given great impetus to the project “Comunicazione” (social, Unimore magazine, Focus, Radio
FSC-Unimore). Last but not least, it has obtained excellent results in research and in the third mission, which
left evidence in the last edition of the VQR (Evaluation of Research Quality). These are just a few examples
of the results achieved in recent years by our University; there are, however, areas for improvement that are
currently being carefully examined. The next Strategic Plan 2023-2025 is a commitment that will involve the
entire University to complete the six-year plan indicated by the Rector and approved by the University Bodies.
In 2023, Unimore will have to face again the commitment of the accreditation procedure, which will proved
to be a rewarding activity should the University provide a unified response and work in an integrated way
with the effort of the entire academic community, no one excluded.
l mese di giugno ha segnato l’avvio di Piano strategico 2021-2022, anche in prepara-
una serie di monitoraggi che porteranno zione del Piano strategico 2023-2025.
il nostro Ateneo a fare il punto, sia sulle L’impegno di Unimore in quest’ultimo biennio,
attività compiute tra il 2021 e il 2022, nonostante i continui ostacoli che ha dovuto af-
Isia su quelle tuttora in essere, e a valu- frontare nel corso dell’emergenza pandemica, ha
tare il livello di raggiungimento degli obiettivi del
comunque consentito di raggiungere una serie di