Page 8 - focusUnimore_luglio2024
P. 8
Ingegneria Informatica a Mantova: una storia di
successo e di sinergie col territorio
Green and Sustainable Chemistry: Unimore’s new three-year Degree Programme at the Mantua
In the 2024-2025 academic year, the new three-year degree programme in Green and Sustainable Chem-
istry offered by the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences in collaboration with the Department
of Life Sciences will be starting up at the Unimore site in Mantua. Environmental protection and the need
for companies to recruit personnel with the appropriate skills to fill roles in ‘green jobs’ mean that a suitable
university education is becoming increasingly urgent. Chemistry is the discipline that has the most effective
tools at its disposal to help protect the environment. In fact, it plays a crucial role in identifying pollutants
and studying their effects on the planet, in developing innovative products and processes with a low environ-
mental impact, or in recycling raw materials and finished products, operating in accordance with the found-
ing principles of ‘green chemistry’. The degree in Green and Sustainable Chemistry represents an important
first step towards building the new circular bio-economy that will bring benefits in terms of innovation and
skilled employment in Italian and European industry and more generally in the economic and social system.
l Corso di Laurea triennale in Inge- realtà produttiva e delle aziende del territorio dei
gneria Informatica a Mantova, attivo Gonzaga.
dall’anno accademico 2018/19, è nato Frutto dello sforzo congiunto dei tre dipartimenti
da una collaborazione tra l’Universi- che fanno capo alla scuola di Ingegneria dell’A-
Ità di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Uni- teneo - il Dipartimento di Ingegneria “Enzo
more) e la Fondazione UniverMantova (FUM) Ferrari” (DIEF), il Dipartimento di Scienze e
per rispondere alle sempre più pressanti richieste Metodi dell’Ingegneria (DISMI) e il Diparti-
di competenze in questo settore da parte della