Page 4 - focusUnimore_marzo2024
P. 4
Carlo Adolfo Porro, Rettore dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
The editorial in this issue of Focus carries the speech that the Rector, Prof. Carlo Adolfo Porro, made during
the inauguration of the current academic year on 12 March at the Teatro Bibiena in Mantua. The Rector
began by talking about Peace and asking for a minute’s silence for the victims of ongoing conflicts in the
world. He then mentioned the many important paths that the university is pursuing, research projects, sus-
tainability, services to students and staff, working wellbeing, environments, and highlighted the various proj-
ects financed by the MUR under the PNRR, citing important teaching, research and third mission initiatives.
Unimore is working with cutting-edge projects, also at a European and international level, and leading-edge
skills, for quality innovation.
* Si tratta della Relazione introduttiva del Rettore Carlo Adolfo Porro in occasione dell’Inaugurazione dell’a.a. 2023-
2024 dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 12 marzo 2024.