Page 4 - focusUnimore_novembre2024
P. 4
Unimore: 850 anni di storia accademica e
un impegno costante per la ricerca e per
una società giusta
Carlo Adolfo Porro
Unimore: 850 years of academic history and a constant commitment to research and a fair society
The Academic Year 2024/2025 celebrates the850th anniversary of Unimore, centuries of academic history
with a vast heritage of ideas, discoveries, challenges and innovations. The opening ceremony of the new Ac-
ademic Year this year welcomes Nobel Prize winner Prof. Giorgio Parisi, a physicist of worldwide renown. His
theory shows the generative potential of research and intellectual discoveries. The university is by definition
the place where ideas that have the power to shape generations and society develop. The National Recovery
and Resilience Plan - NRRP has represented and continues to represent an extraordinary opportunity for the
University to consolidate its research mission and enhance its impact. The so-called ‘cascade calls’, issued
to foster dialogue between universities, research centres and public bodies, have the aim of allocating stra-
tegic resources to subjects capable of translating scientific research into applied innovation, to the benefit
of the entire community. In the pages of this issue of FocusUnimore you can find detailed descriptions of the
projects that have recently won such calls for proposals. Among the complex challenges of our times there
is, unquestionably, also that which sees our university institution on the front line to prevent, oppose and
eradicate all forms of violence, abuse and oppression, starting with those based on gender. The inauguration
of the Academic Year certainly takes on a special significance this year, an opportunity to reaffirm our vision
and to highlight the contribution that Unimore makes to the world. The anniversary that we have begun to
celebrate in these weeks is an invitation to strengthen the link with our history and, at the same time, to
open up to the potential of tomorrow.