Page 20 - focusUnimore_dicembre2022
P. 20
Unimore e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile: il progetto
Greening Energy Market and finance
Unimore and Sustainable Development: the Greening Energy Market and Finance project
The principle of Sustainable Development and Sustainability in all its aspects is central to UNIMORE’s
programme, which in fact promotes numerous sustainability contents in current degree programmes at the
University and insists on enhancing new multidisciplinary initiatives.
There have been many initiatives in recent academic years and they have had great support and expres-
sions of interest from students, such as with the introduction of the ‘Soft skills on sustainability’ teaching
promoted by Unimore Sostenibile and offered to all students of the University.
At the same time, it pursued collaboration activities with other universities, such as the Greening Energy
Market and Finance project of the University of Bologna, which had among its objectives
to offer by 2022 a Sustainable Energy Expert programme aimed at training a professional figure who would
help companies transform their energy policies without compromising economic and financial sustainability.
Principal Investigator for Unimore is Prof. Costanza Torricelli of the Marco Biagi Department of Econom-
ics, who has long been developing research topics in the field of finance. In A.Y. 2022-23, the project gave
birth to the international master’s degree Greening Energy Market and Finance, based in Bologna, which
will be complemented by the GrEnFIn Professional Module, consisting of an e-learning and a face-to-face
section. Five universities and one research centre are involved in the GrEnFin project: Ludwig-Maximilian
University Munich (Germany), Birkbeck College London (UK), Wien University of Economics and Business
(Austria), University of Katowice (Poland), University Paris-Dauphine (France), IMPA - Institute of Pure and
Applied Mathematics (Brazil), as well as seven corporate partners: Tauron Energia (Poland), Hera (Italy), Pixel
(Italy), Ego Energy (Italy), Jesus Ferreira Digital Energy (Portugal), MIWENERGIA (Spain), Speed Development
Consultants (Geece).
nimore persegue il principio lorizzare nuove iniziative multidisciplinari, come ha
dello Sviluppo Sostenibile e fatto con l’introduzione dell’insegnamento “Com-
della Sostenibilità in tutti i petenze trasversali sulla sostenibilità” pro-
suoi molteplici aspetti, dalla mosso da Unimore Sostenibile e offerto a tutti gli
USostenibilità Ambientale alla studenti dell’Ateneo. Il successo di tale iniziativa
Sostenibilità Economica e Sociale. è dimostrato dall’elevato tasso di partecipazione
Nell’ambito delle numerose iniziative finalizza- da parte di studenti di tutti i dipartimenti e che
te alla Sostenibilità (www.unimoresostenibile. nell’A.A. 2022-23 giunge alla terza edizione. ), Unimore promuove contenuti di so- Parallelamente ha perseguito attività di colla-
stenibilità nei corsi esistenti in Ateneo e vuole va- borazione con altri Atenei, in particolare nel 2021