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Il Dottorato di Ricerca in Information and
Communication Technologies: promuovere
l’internazionalizzazione con lo sguardo rivolto a
Industria e Big Data
The PhD in Information and Communication Technologies: promoting internationalisation with an
eye on Industry and Big Data
Internationalisation abroad is an important indicator to assess the international dimension of a university.
This category includes the PhD in Information and Communication Technologies, which provides a double
degree with the University of Nottingham (UK) or the Technische Universitat Wien (Austria). The PhD in ICT
offers basic scientific and technological-application training aimed at the study and design of new concepts,
methodologies and technologies in the field of electronics, information technology and telecommunica-
tions. The Programme is divided into 3 curricula, all provided in English: Computer engineering and science;
Electronics and telecommunications; Industrial applications of ICT. All curricula address topics of interest for
Industry 4.0 and Big Data and fit into the research scenarios defined by Horizon Europe and the National
Research Plan. PhDs who have chosen to pursue a professional career have been employed by companies
and industrial research laboratories in the ICT sector, where they have held qualified positions, having their
PhD years recognised as seniority. Electronics, IT, telecommunications and automation also offer various
employment opportunities in the advanced service sector, in manufacturing districts, including the biomedi-
cal sector.
’internationalisation abroad un programma integrato di studio da svolgersi an-
è senza dubbio uno degli indi- che all’estero.
catori in grado di fornirci una Il Dottorato di Ricerca in Information and
chiave di lettura appropriata per Communication Technologies (www.ict.uni-
Lvalutare la dimensione inter-, istituito nel 2006, ha una forte vocazio-
nazionale di un Ateneo. ne all’internazionalizzazione, testimoniata dalla
In questa categoria rientrano quei Corsi di presenza nel suo collegio di professori stranieri
Studio che, proprio grazie alla partnership con di altissimo profilo, dalla sottoscrizione di nume-
Università straniere, permettono di istituire un rosi accordi ERASMUS, dallo svolgimento di tut-
percorso didattico che si struttura sotto forma di te le attività didattiche in lingua inglese, nonché