Page 24 - focusUnimore_gennaio2023
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Unimore Sport Excellence (USE): l’Ateneo supporta lo

        sport con molteplici programmi e progetti

                  Unimore Sport Excellence (USE): the University supports sport with multiple programmes and proj-

                  Unimore was among the first universities in Italy to sign an agreement with CONI (Italian National Olympic
                  Committee) to support university training activities for young athletes. This agreement gave rise to the Uni-
                  more Sport Excellence (USE) programme, which supports the university education of students who continu-
                  ously engage in competitive sports of national and international interest. The USE project provides access to
                  the so-called ‘dual career’, a system of benefits and tools provided by the university to facilitate the comple-
                  tion of a university career at the same time as a sports competition career. These include: the possibility of
                  agreeing on the date of the examinations according to the competitive calendar, the accompaniment of an
                  academic and classroom tutor and a diploma supplement issued upon completion of Unimore studies to
                  certify the dual programme carried out. For the 2022/23 academic year, the ‘Unimore Sport Excellence Plus’
                  call for applications, expiring on 31 January 2023, is also out for student athletes on postgraduate courses
                  (first- or second-level master’s degrees, PhDs, doctoral schools or medical specialisation schools). Full
                  details can be found at Every year, Unimore also organises the “Festa dello Sport”,
                  an event during which the Rector awards the students from the latest edition of the Unimore Sport Excel-
                  lence (USE) programme who have participated and distinguished themselves in university competitions and
                  national and international competitions over the past year. Unimore believes that sport, even when it remains
                  a passion and fun, is an opportunity for growth and for acquiring new skills for everyone, and is committed
                  to promote a real culture of sport and inclusion, aimed at the development of healthy lifestyles and wellness,
                  through activities and projects, in collaboration with Cus More and sports clubs.

                                  nimore supporta da anni i      Da questo accordo è nato il programma Uni-

                                  propri  studenti  e  studen-  more Sport Excellence (USE), che supporta
                                  tesse  che  praticano  attività   l’attività di apprendimento e di formazione univer-
                                  sportiva ad alti livelli, nella   sitaria di studenti e studentesse che svolgono con
                  Uconvinzione che studio e                    continuità un’attività sportiva agonistica di interes-
                sport svolgano entrambi ruoli fondamentali nel   se nazionale ed internazionale.
                percorso di formazione personale.
                                                                 L’arruolamento nel progetto USE crea le con-
                  Nel giugno del 2017 l’Ateneo di Modena e     dizioni per consentire ai/alle giovani atleti di
                Reggio Emilia è stato fra i primi in Italia a   conciliare al meglio sport agonistico e impegno
                sottoscrivere un accordo con il CONI desti-    universitario, e permette di accedere alla cosid-
                nato a supportare l’attività di formazione     detta “dual career”, quel sistema di benefici e

                universitaria di giovani atleti/e.             strumenti che l’Ateneo mette in atto per facilita-

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