Page 20 - focusUnimore_gennaio2023
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Programma Erasmus Unimore: una grande
opportunità di studio e lavoro oltre confine
Unimore Erasmus Programme: a great opportunity to study and work across borders
The Erasmus project is the most famous and longest-running of the EU-funded youth mobility
programmes. It represents an extraordinary opportunity for university students who, while studying
abroad, can improve their communication skills, knowledge of foreign languages, intercultural
competences and awareness of broader perspectives in study, work and life. In the Academic Year
2021/2022, over 640 students left for a study destination, and over 300 foreign students arrived at
Unimore. The new Erasmus+ 21/27 programme has introduced Blended Intensive Programmes -
BIPs, which provide for short periods of face-to-face activities combined with online learning and
cooperation, in which joint groups of students, teaching and administrative staff from different
countries can participate to collaborate on specific tasks collectively and simultaneously. Unimore,
specifically the Degree Programme in Digital Education of the CHIMOMO Department, has already
realised a BIP called Digital Interactive Teaching And Learning Objects And Methods (DIG.I.T.A.L.
Objects and Methods) with the partnership of the University of Salamanca in Spain and the
Universitade Aberta of Portugal.
ato nel 1987, il progetto dell’UE o di Paesi extra-europei partner del
Erasmus per studentesse programma.
e studenti universitari è il più Il periodo di studio all’estero, che viene sov-
noto e longevo, dei program- venzionato dall’Unione Europea con una borsa
Nmi finanziati dall’Unione Eu- di studio, consente a studenti e studentesse di
ropea nell’ambito della mobilità giovanile all’e- migliorare le proprie capacità di comunicazione,
stero e che permette di intraprendere un periodo la conoscenza di lingue straniere, le compe-
di studio in una Università di altri Paesi membri tenze interculturali, ed infine, caratteristica non