Page 28 - focusUnimore_gennaio2023
P. 28

Ecosistema dell’innovazione regionale: le

         opportunità in ambito salute

                  Regional Innovation Ecosystems: opportunities in health

                  On 15 December 2022, a workshop organised by Unimore, Art-ER and CDP Venture Capital on the oppor-
                  tunities offered by the innovation ecosystem for the valorisation of research results was held at the Service
                  Centre of the Department of Medicine and Surgery. The workshop, entitled “Opportunità di ricerca applicata
                  e trasferimento tecnologico in ambito salute” (Opportunities for Applied Research and Technology Transfer in
                  the Health Sector), was held following UNIMORE’s membership of Extend, the National Technology Transfer
                  Pole dedicated to the biopharmaceutical sector, which is part of an overall investment of over 55 million
                  euro allocated by CDP Venture Capital’s Technology Transfer Fund to create an infrastructure to support the
                  entire technology transfer chain Study qualification “from the laboratory to the market”. The investment plan
                  is to finance around 50 proof of concept and 40 start-ups through Extend’s activities and the contribution of
                  related vertical funds. During the event, the main initiatives related to the Regional Innovation Ecosystems
                  (RIE) in Health and Wellness and the opportunities in the region for start-ups and spinoffs were presented.
                  Supporting the development of innovative entrepreneurship of university origin is a strategy that Unimore
                  has adopted since 2004 and that represents a virtuous example of socio-economic spin-off on the local
                  and national context of academic activities. To date, 50 spin-off companies have been set up, most of which
                  have been housed on university premises, gaining support in terms of facilities, know-how and academic
                  relations thanks to the presence of university proponents. In 2019, the first student spin-off was launched.
                  Many junior spin-offs are gaining important investment recognition from venture capital funds, which are
                  increasingly attentive to the academic environment as a hotbed of new ideas that can potentially be trans-
                  formed into innovative products and services.

                              o scorso 15 dicembre 2022 si     torialità e la valorizzazione della ricerca in
                              è svolto presso il Centro Ser-   ambito Life Science – Healtech.
                              vizi della Facoltà di Medicina e   L’iniziativa è stata ideata dall’Università di
                              Chirurgia un momento di ap-      Modena e Reggio Emilia a seguito della nascita
                  Lprofondimento  organizzato da               e all’adesione di Unimore a Extend, il Polo
                Unimore, Art-ER e CDP Venture Capital sulle    Nazionale di Trasferimento Tecnologico de-
                opportunità offerte dall’ecosistema dell’innovazio-  dicato  al settore  biofarmaceutico nato  su

                ne per la valorizzazione dei risultati della ricerca.
                                                               iniziativa di CDP Venture Capital attraverso il suo
                  Il workshop dal titolo “Opportunità di ricerca   fondo Technology Transfer e finalizzato a sostene-
                applicata e trasferimento tecnologico in am-   re l’intera filiera del trasferimento tecnologico per
                bito salute”, si è svolto con l’intento di approfon-  lo sviluppo di nuovi approcci terapeutici.
                dire e condividere con ricercatrici e ricercatori di   Il Polo Extend ( si
                diverse discipline scientifiche di Ateneo le inizia-  posiziona come piattaforma di aggregazione
                tive messe in campo per favorire l’imprendi-

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