Page 4 - focusUnimore_giugno2021
P. 4
Alessandro Capra
Editorial by Alessandro Capra
Today, the ongoing internationalisation process in Italian universities is mainly meant to consolidate an inter-
national outlook through actions that train students and administrative staff to think internationally, acquire
language skills, and create an international environment at home. In the past years, many actions were taken
to create a profitable and valuable international network for the cultural growth of the university environment;
now it is important to consolidate what has been done and create further interesting opportunities for exchan-
ge, by opening new channels of collaboration that foster the acquisition of resources, as well as joining and
setting up university networks, especially at European level. A coordination partnership with universities of
similar potential will therefore be necessary to encourage mobility and collaboration within the network, in a
continuous exchange of people and knowledge that will bring valuable know-how to the university. Priority
will be given to internal training, student and staff mobility, and implementation of the reception of students
and researchers from abroad, to provide them with an attractive teaching and research environment, suitable
welfare facilities, and well-organised reception facilities. Great efforts will be made to increase the number of
double degree and joint degree agreements with priority countries; second-cycle study programmes will be
organised entirely in English, with agreements with universities and industries in other countries. Participation
in the Growing Agro-related Universities consortium is envisaged, as well as the implementation of internatio-
nal relations at European and non-European level, in particular the emerging countries of Latin America (Brazil
and Argentina), the Asian area (China, Vietnam, Thailand, India and Iran), North African and Mediterranean
areas through participation in UNIMED. A further specific commitment will be dedicated to the implementa-
tion and improvement of existing agreements with English-speaking countries, such as the US, Canada, and
Australia. A six-year period of internationalisation culture in which we will get used to a broader reality, a daily
living in the student and working environment of Unimore.
osa significa fare cosa sono le relazioni internazionali, gli accordi
internazionalizzazione per con altri atenei e altre istituzioni pubbliche o
un Ateneo italiano oggi e private, il partecipare a partenariati strategici e
cosa sta facendo Unimore? a reti di atenei. Sappiamo creare opportunità di
CInizio con una domanda mobilità in uscita e in ingresso, di studenti, docenti
perché è quello che tutto l’Ateneo si deve e ricercatori e staff.
chiedere per muoversi sulla strada dei processi di L’internazionalizzazione è tutte le cose
internazionalizzazione. menzionate ma quello che è più importante è
Si tratta, prima di tutto, di una questione creare una “mentalità internazionale” che significa
di cultura, appunto di cultura della che in ogni nostra azione dovremmo avere chiare
internazionalizzazione. Certamente quando si le potenzialità di internazionalizzazione del nostro
parla di muoversi in ambito internazionale tutti agire.
conosciamo tante attività in tal senso, sappiamo