Page 36 - focusUnimore_giugno2024
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Corso ADE sull’interazione medica

                  ADE training session on medical interaction

                  Based on many years of interdisciplinary research on doctor-patient communication in the field of oncology,
                  the training was realised by researchers in linguistics, sociology and cancer surgery, and delivered as an
                  Elective Educational Activity (ADE) for students of the Faculty of Medicine. Several topics covered include
                  the various phases of the medical examination and the different communication strategies of doctors and
                  patients that characterise them; the way patients describe their concerns and perspectives on the examina-
                  tion, illness and treatment, including narratives; the role of the mediator when the patient does not speak
                  Italian. The contents of the course are based on an authentic database of no less than 106 visits with
                  cancer patients, video-recorded with informed consent in 5 hospitals in the Emilia-Romagna region. The
                  visits investigated are extremely varied, covering different specialities and care pathways. Each module was
                  organised in three parts, in blended mode. The first part dealt with theoretical content, the second was an
                  activity carried out independently by the students through reflection and application of the notions learnt to a
                  series of transcribed visits. The last part was a seminar, based on the collective observation of the video-
                  recorded data, group work, and the sharing of experiences and discussion.

                                 asato su una ricerca inter-   (raccolta delle informazioni, diagnosi, trattamento)
                                 disciplinare e pluriennale    e le diverse strategie comunicative di medici
                                 sulla  comunicazione me-      e pazienti che le caratterizzano; il modo in cui
                                 dico-paziente  in ambito      i pazienti presentano le loro preoccupazioni e pro-

                  Boncologico, il corso è stato                spettive sulla visita, la malattia e la cura, tra cui le
                realizzato da ricercatori e ricercatrici in linguistica,   narrazioni; il ruolo del mediatore/della mediarice
                sociologia e chirurgia oncologica, ed erogato come   quando il/la paziente non parla italiano.
                Attività Didattica Elettiva (ADE) per studentesse e   I contenuti del corso sono basati su un corpus
                studenti della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, nel   di dati autentici costituito da ben 106 visite con
                periodo 15 aprile-20 maggio 2024, a cadenza    pazienti  oncologici,  videoregistrate  previo  con-
                settimanale. Diversi i temi trattati, che includono le   senso informato in  5 ospedali della Regione
                varie fasi di cui si compone la visita medica

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