Page 34 - focusUnimore_luglio2024
P. 34

Unimore al primo posto nella graduatoria nazionale

        dei programmi per il “Servizio civile digitale”

                  Unimore at the top of the national ranking of ‘Digital Civil Service’ programmes

                  The ranking list of the Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service, concerning the intervention
                  programmes and projects of universal civil service specific for the “Digital Civil Service” for the year 2024,
                  sees Unimore as leader of the programme “Emilia Romagna for Digital 2024”. The programme includes 4
                  projects among which one specifically coordinated by the University Library System - SBA, entitled “Digital
                  Culture: libraries and educational paths in Emilia Romagna 2024”. The main objective of this project is to
                  enhance and increase the value of the bibliographic heritage and to make libraries more digitally accessible,
                  increasing educational services and digital facilitation towards a wider public of citizens and also favour-
                  ing the inclusion of the weaker segments of the population. With this project, in fact, the Libraries become
                  the “gateway” to cultural and creative services available on the web, offering users tools and knowledge to
                  broaden opportunities for reading, visiting, consulting, but also moments of exchange and comparison, for
                  the citizens of the Modena, Reggio Emilia and Ferrara territories, with particular attention to students.

                              a graduatoria del Dipartimento     Quest’ultimo racchiude 4 progetti tra cui uno
                              per le Politiche Giovanili e il   specificamente  coordinato  dal  Sistema  Bi-

                              Servizio Civile Universale, re-  bliotecario di Ateneo – SBA, dal titolo “Cultura
                              lativa ai programmi di intervento   digitale: biblioteche e percorsi educativi in Emilia
                  Le progetti di servizio civile uni-          Romagna 2024”.
                versale specifici per il “Servizio civile digitale”   Il progetto è realizzato dalle biblioteche del Si-
                dell’anno 2024, vede Unimore al primo posto,   stema Bibliotecario di Ateneo (Biblioteca di
                come capofila del  programma “Emilia  Ro-      Economia Sebastiano Brusco, Biblioteca Giuridica,
                magna per il Digitale 2024”.
                                                               Biblioteca Medica, Biblioteca Umanistica, Bibliote-

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