Page 4 - focusUnimore_marzo2022
P. 4
Marina Orlandi Biagi, Carlo Adolfo Porro
This month marks the 20th anniversary of the death of Marco Biagi, extraordinary professor of Labour Law,
and Italian and Comparative Trade Union Law at Unimore, and Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics.
Broken by a ferocious and brutal violence, he spent his life devoting himself to research and dialogue, under-
stood as dialectics and concertation between different interests.
The University and the Foundation, which bears his name, are constantly committed to cultivating his legacy
as a scholar and servant of the State, trying to project it in a rigorous way also on the contemporary chal-
lenges that cross society and the worlds of work. From this point of view and to facilitate the development
of collaborative relations with the territories, the Foundation will play a key role for the accomplishment of
Unimore’s Third Mission, being also involved in continuing and recurrent training initiatives aimed at support-
ing the development of professional skills and fostering an innovative and responsible competitiveness. This
is a way to give new life to the collaboration between the University and the Foundation, but also to imple-
ment the ideal tension of Professor Biagi, who believed the close relationship between the quality of training
and the quality of work to be one of the decisive aspects for an advanced democracy, also at economic and
social level. The centrality and absolute relevance of the scholar’s reflection will be reiterated, on the twenti-
eth anniversary of his death, with the usual international Conference promoted by the University and Founda-
tion on 26 and 27 May, and this year dedicated to “Work Beyond the Pandemic. Towards a Human-Centred
Recovery”. An Extraordinary City Council will be held at the auditorium of the Marco Biagi Foundation in the
morning of 19 March, the anniversary day.
icorre questo mese il vente- sua figura di intellettuale, chiamano in causa pro-
simo anniversario della mor- fili privati e pubblici.
te di Marco Biagi (Bologna Intendiamo in questa sede cogliere l’occasione
24 novembre 1950-19 mar- per condividere il suo ricordo con l’intera comuni-
Rzo 2002).
tà accademica dell’Università di Modena e Reggio
I ricordi della sua vita, drammaticamente e trop- Emilia ma anche con il territorio che lo ha visto
po prematuramente spezzata, del suo lavoro, della protagonista di studi, ricerche e attività di impegno