Page 8 - focusUnimore_marzo2022
P. 8
Gender Equality Plan - GEP:
un importante strumento per il raggiungimento
dell’eguaglianza di genere
Gender Equality Plan - GEP: an important tool to reach gender equality
In December 2021, the first Unimore Gender Equality Plan - GEP was approved: it was designed by the
Operating Technical Committee established in 2020 to draw up the Gender Budgeting, coordinated by the
Delegate for Equal Opportunities who involved the university governance, the Delegate for Quality, the Chair
of Consultations with technical and administrative staff, the Chair of the Student Conference, the represen-
tatives for Equal Opportunities of the departments, students through the Equality Week, and the Single Guar-
antee Committee. At present, Unimore features a context analysis included in June 2021 Gender Budgeting
with data as at 31/12/2019.
It is precisely in Action 20 of the GEP that the reconstruction of the context is expected to continue in order
to grasp changes and find indicators that can provide a synthetic vision of the university and guide the
design of new actions and the evaluation of the existing ones.
The Gender Equality Plan is consistent with the European Commission Guidelines and the CRUI Gender
Thematic Commission Guidelines. It also follows the setting of the Gender Equality Plan that was developed
under the guidance of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia within the LeTSGEPs (Leading Towards
Sustainable Gender Equality Plans in research institutions) project in funding Horizon 2020: it is a project
that lays the foundations for close interaction between the gender balance of research organisations and
gender equality plans to make them truly transformative. A challenge that has been welcomed by six Euro-
pean partners, research organisations and universities.
In a third mission and public engagement perspective, most actions are available to citizens in order to
spread the culture of gender equality even further in the territories.
el dicembre 2021 gli Organi Bilancio di genere e coordinato dalla Delegata per
di Ateneo hanno approvato il le Pari Opportunità.
primo Piano di eguaglianza Il processo che ha condotto alla sua stesu-
di genere – GEP di Unimore ra è stato un processo partecipato in quanto
N(consultabile qui la versione ha coinvolto, attraverso audizioni, la governance
sfogliabile interattiva: di ateneo, il delegato Qualità, il Presidente della
Consulta del personale tecnico e amministrativo,
Il piano è stato disegnato dal Comitato Tecnico il presidente della Conferenza della Componente
Operativo costituito nel 2020 per la stesura del studentesca, i referenti di Pari Opportunità dei di-