Page 26 - focusUnimore_marzo2023
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Biomeeting 2023: la seconda edizione

        del progetto di studenti e studentesse di

                  Biomeeting 2023: the second edition of the Biology student project

                  30 March sees the return of the BIOmeeting of the Unimore Department of Life Sciences, the second edi-
                  tion of a scientific communication project organised entirely by Unimore students and PhD students from
                  the Biology degree programmes, with the support of Professors Anna Maria Mercuri, Roberto Guidetti and
                  Vincenzo Zappavigna, and Prof. Lorena Rebecchi, director of the Department of Life Sciences. The event
                  involves the Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences and the Master’s degree in Experimental and Applied
                  Biology, and aims to encourage interaction between all students of Unimore’s Biology degree programmes
                  and experts in various biological fields, who will present their studies and experience in the world of work.
                  The opportunity for all students is to participate actively in a scientific/dissemination meeting as auditors or
                  by contributing with a presentation. It is indeed possible to take part in the event by presenting one’s own
                  work. If the presentation is among the six selected by the organising committee, three for the Master’s de-
                  gree and three for the Bachelor’s degree, the presenters will be able to give a short oral presentation during
                  the Biomeeting. For the presentations exhibited on the day of the event, two rankings will be decided, one
                  for the Bachelor’s degree and one for the Master’s degree, leading to the awarding of prizes. A jury consist-
                  ing of the organisers will award prizes for the best presentations. The prizes consist of membership of the
                  Cultural Association of Naturalists and Mathematicians of Modena, offered by the association itself, and
                  cash prizes awarded by organisations supporting the initiative.

                               orna anche per il 2023 il BIO-  le ore 14.30 alle ore 18.00, a Modena presso il
                               meeting del Dipartimento        campus scientifico di via Campi 213/C (aula N0.1/
                               di Scienze della Vita Uni-      Aula 1 BSI – piano terra).
                               more, la seconda  edizione  di    L’evento coinvolge la Laurea triennale in Scien-
                  Tun  progetto  di  comunicazione             ze Biologiche e la Laurea magistrale in Biologia
                scientifica  organizzato  interamente  da  studenti,   Sperimentale e Applicata, proponendosi di favori-

                studentesse e dottorandi/e Unimore dei corsi di   re l’interazione tra tutti gli studenti delle lauree in
                laurea in Biologia, con il supporto dei Proff. Anna   Biologia di Unimore ed esperti in vari ambiti biolo-
                Maria Mercuri, Roberto Guidetti e Vincenzo     gici, che esporranno il loro percorso di studi e la
                Zappavigna per i corsi triennale e magistrale e   loro esperienza nel mondo del lavoro. Il comitato
                della Prof.ssa  Lorena Rebecchi, direttrice del   organizzatore studentesco è composto da  Joel
                Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita.            Vincenzi, Sara Brandoli, Anita Ferri, Matteo

                  L’appuntamento è per giovedì 30 marzo, dal-  Cazzuoli, Jessica Zappa e Giovanni Viglione.

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