Page 22 - focusUnimore_marzo2023
P. 22

Alleanza UNIgreen: il lancio a Modena

                  Unimore hosted the launch event of UNIgreen alliance

                  Students from all over Europe interested in studying sustainable agriculture, green biotechnology and life
                  and environmental sciences will soon be able to do so thanks to the UNIgreen project, the first European
                  University in Agro, Green, Biotech and Life Science, which involves Unimore and seven other European
                  universities: the University of Almería (Spain) - coordinator of the network, the Haute Ecole de la Province de
                  Liege (Belgium), the Warsaw University of Life Science (Poland), the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (Portu-
                  gal), the University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria), the Agricultural University of Iceland (Iceland) and the Sup’Bioptech
                  Engineering School of Biotechnology (France). The operational launch event of the UNIgreen alliance - The
                  Green European University - was hosted by Unimore from 6 to 8 March, when the bodies of the alliance’s
                  organisational structure met for the first time with the aim of establishing its rules and future actions. The
                  project partnership aims to merge the individual experiences of all the consortium members in the areas of
                  teaching, research, innovation and best practices, for the creation of a European university in the agricultural
                  and life sciences sectors, The Green European University, with the establishment of innovative, multidisci-
                  plinary, flexible and joint educational pathways, both at Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree and PhD level. The
                  vision of the UNIgreen Alliance is based on conceiving of universities as drivers of ecological transformation
                  in order to promote strategies in the fields of sustainable agriculture, green biotechnology and life sciences.
                  UNIgreen will work with local communities and local public and private stakeholders to support regional de-
                  velopment and to stimulate the development of knowledge and solutions to meet their needs. The UNIgreen
                  Project -The Green European University will have a 48-month implementation phase, starting on 1 January
                  2023, following the approval of the alliance proposal by EACEA (European Education and Culture Execu-
                  tive Agency), which has awarded the consortium a total contribution of EUR 7 million, of which around EUR
                  950,000 to Unimore.

                        n un futuro oramai vicino le studentesse   versity of Life Science (Polonia), il Polytechnic Uni-
                        e gli studenti di tutta Europa interessa-  versity  of Coimbra (Portogallo), l’University of Plo-
                        ti a studiare l’agricoltura sostenibile, le   vdiv (Bulgaria), l’Agricultural University of Iceland
                        biotecnologie verdi e le scienze della   (Islanda) e la Sup’Bioptech Engineering School of

                  Ivita  e  ambientali  potranno  farlo  grazie   Biotecnology (Francia).
                al progetto UNIgreen, la prima Università eu-    L’evento di lancio operativo dell’alleanza
                ropea in ambito Agro, Green, Biotech e Life    UNIgreen - The Green European University, è
                Science, che vede coinvolte sette università eu-  stato ospitato proprio dal nostro Ateneo dal
                ropee insieme a Unimore: l’Università di Almería   6 e all’8 marzo. Una tre giorni con un program-
                (Spagna) - coordinatore della rete, l’Haute Ecole   ma serrato, che si è tenuta a Modena presso il Pa-
                de la Province de Liege (Belgio), la Warsaw Uni-  lazzo del Rettorato e il Complesso San Geminiano,

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