Page 30 - focusUnimore_marzo2023
P. 30
Le nuove frontiere della didattica.
Intervista a Sophie Soury-Lavergne, ospite di
The new frontiers of teaching. Interviewing Sophie Soury-Lavergne, guest of Unimore
The article contains an interesting dialogue with Sophie Soury-Lavergne, maître de conference at the
University of Grenoble Alpes in France, where she holds teaching and research positions and organises
various teaching-related activities. She also teaches at the Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et
de l’Éducation (INSPE), which coordinates the training of future pre-school, primary and secondary school
teachers but is also responsible for the training of educational figures in French schools called conseillers
d’éducation. She is a member of the Sciences et Société, Historicité, Education et Pratiques (S2HEP)
research laboratory at the University of Lyon. Until 2022, it belonged to the Institut Français de l’Éducation,
the pedagogical research centre of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon. A guest of Unimore these weeks
as part of her sabbatical year, in the following interview she explains, in the light of her experience, what are
the new frontiers of university teaching and beyond. The interview inaugurates a space for discussion that
FocusUnimore intends to develop with a particular focus on scholars doing research at Unimore.
ophie Soury-Lavergne è dina la formazione dei futuri insegnanti di scuola
maître de conference all’U- dell’infanzia, primaria e secondaria ma si occu-
niversità di Grenoble Alpes in pa anche della formazione delle figure educative
Francia, dove ha incarichi di presenti nelle scuole francesi chiamate conseillers
Sinsegnamento, di ricerca e di d’éducation.
organizzazione di varie attività connesse alla di- Fa parte del Laboratorio di ricerca Sciences
et Société, Historicité, Education et Pratiques
Insegna anche all’Institut National Supérieur du (S2HEP) ( dell’Uni-
Professorat et de l’Éducation (INSPE), che coor- versità di Lione. Fino al 2022 afferiva all’Institut