Page 16 - focusUnimore_ottobre-novembre2022
P. 16

Centro nazionale per la mobilità sostenibile: Unimore

        è tra i promotori del più grande player italiano del

                  National Centre for Sustainable Mobility: Unimore is among the promoters of the largest Italian
                  player in the sector

                  Unimore is one of the main promoters of the National Centre for Sustainable Mobility, which was created
                  thanks to a three-year (2023/25) public and private investment of 394 million euro. The project has the
                  ambition of being a real tool for the growth and development of the mobility sector and aims to accompany
                  the green and digital transition from a sustainable perspective. There will be five project vectors: air mobil-
                  ity; sustainable road vehicles; waterborne transport; rail transport; light vehicles and active mobility. The
                  National Centre will focus on making the mobility system ‘greener’ as a whole and managed more ‘digitally’.
                  It will be based on the Hub&Spoke approach, i.e. with a central hub in Milan and 14 spokes distributed
                  widespread from North to South. Unimore plays an important role in the project: it is coordinator of spoke
                  6 on Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV), participates in spoke 12 on Innovative Propulsion Systems
                  (Innovative Propulsion) and spoke 13 on Electric Traction Systems and Batteries (Electric Traction Systems
                  and Batteries). The spoke on the autonomous and connected vehicle coordinates the activities of 6 research
                  institutions and 25 companies in the automotive and mobility services sector of national significance.
                  Unimore’s total budget is 7.8 million euro and provides for the recruitment of 8 temporary type A research-
                  ers and 10 PhD students (for a total of 1.5 million euro); materials, equipment and licences for more than 2
                  million euro; and the activation of collaboration projects with companies for 2.3 million euro.

                                  n parterre d’eccezione pub-  l’ambizione di essere uno strumento reale per la
                                  blico-privato che conta com-  crescita e lo sviluppo del settore della mobilità.
                                  plessivamente   cinquanta      Il Centro Nazionale per la Mobilità Soste-
                                  attori distribuiti su tutto il   nibile nasce con la missione di accompagnare la
                  Uterritorio nazionale. Un in-                transizione green e digitale in un’ottica sostenibile,
                vestimento di 394 milioni di euro per i primi tre   garantendo la transizione industriale del comparto
                anni (2023-2025), con 696 ricercatori dedicati e   e accompagnando le istituzioni locali a implemen-

                574 quelli neoassunti. Sono questi i numeri che   tare soluzioni moderne, sostenibili e inclusive nelle
                indicano la portata di un progetto che nasce con
                                                               città e nelle regioni del Paese.

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