Page 12 - focusUnimore_ottobre-novembre2022
P. 12
Unimore è tra i fondatori del nuovo Centro nazionale
per il supercalcolo
Unimore is among the founders of the new National Centre for Supercomputing
Unimore is among the founding members of the new National Research Centre in High Performance
Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing. The funding of almost 320 million euro, allocated to the
ICSC Foundation, which manages the Centre, will be used to build the largest Italian system dedicated to
high-performance computing, big data management and quantum computing, a transversal infrastructure
supporting the main sectors that are now strategic for the country, with a hub at the Bologna Technopole.
The new National Supercomputing Centre will focus on maintaining and enhancing Italy’s HPC and big data
infrastructure and on the development of advanced numerical methods and applications and software tools
to integrate the calculation, simulation, collection and analysis of data of interest to the research system and
the production and social system. The centre will also support higher education and promote the devel-
opment of policies for the responsible management of data with a view to open data and open science,
combining regulatory, standardisation and compliance profiles. Based on the Hub&Spoke model - it will
aggregate Italian scientific communities of excellence into 10 Spokes. Unimore is part of the Hub and is sci-
entifically involved in the activities of three Spoke: Spoke 6 ‘Multiscale Modeling & Engineering Applications’
(‘Enzo Ferrari’ Department of Engineering Department of Physical, Computer and Mathematical Sciences),
Spoke 7 ‘Materials & Molecular Science’ (Departments of Physical, Computer and Mathematical Sciences,
Chemical and Geological Sciences and Sciences and Methods for Engineering), and Spoke 8 ‘In-Silico
Medicine & Omics Data’ (Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Science, ‘Enzo Ferrari’ Depart-
ment of Engineering, Department of Life Sciences, and Department of Physical, Computer and Mathematical
ntrato in piena attività da ini- assegnato alla Fondazione ICSC, che gestisce il
zio settembre, il nuovo Cen- Centro, sarà utilizzato per realizzare il più grande
tro Nazionale di Ricerca in sistema italiano dedicato al calcolo ad alte
High Performance Compu- prestazioni, alla gestione dei big data e al
Eting, Big Data e Quantum calcolo quantistico, un’infrastruttura trasversa-
Computing conta tra i suoi membri fondatori l’U- le a supporto dei principali settori oggi strategici
niversità degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, per il Paese, con Hub al Tecnopolo di Bologna.
assieme ad altri 50 partner distribuiti su tutto il Il nuovo Centro Nazionale di Supercalcolo si fo-
territorio nazionale, provenienti dal settore pubbli- calizzerà infatti da una parte sul mantenimento
co e privato, della ricerca scientifica e dell’indu- e il potenziamento dell’infrastruttura HPC e
stria. big data italiana e dall’altra sullo sviluppo di
Il finanziamento di quasi 320 milioni di euro, metodi e applicazioni numeriche avanzati e