Page 24 - focusUnimore_ottobre-novembre2022
P. 24
Biodiversità: Unimore è partner del più grande
progetto mai realizzato in Italia in questo campo
Biodiversity: Unimore is a partner in the largest project ever carried out in Italy in this field
Green light for the National Biodiversity Future Centre (NBFC) project coordinated by the Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche (National Research Council) involving a network of 48 partners (universities, research insti-
tutes, foundations and companies) on the topic of biodiversity. The project has the ambition to implement
the most powerful research and innovation initiative on biodiversity ever carried out in Italy and was born in
response to the Public Notice for the presentation of Proposals for the strengthening of research structures
and the creation of R&D ‘national champions’ on some Key Enabling Technologies, to be financed in the
framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), funded by the European Union - Next-
GenerationEU. The purpose of the National Biodiversity Future Centre is to bring together national scientific
research excellence and modern technologies to monitor, preserve and restore biodiversity in the marine,
terrestrial and urban ecosystems of the Italian peninsula and to enhance biodiversity by making it a cen-
tral element on which to base sustainable development. The NBFC is structured based on the Hub&Spoke
approach, with a central point at the University of Palermo (Hub) and 8 spokes with the participation of affili-
ated partners, including Unimore. There are spokes dedicated to marine biodiversity (#1 and #2), terrestrial
biodiversity (#3 and #4), urban biodiversity and human well-being (#5 and #6), the interaction between bio-
diversity and society (#7), and innovation and development of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) associated
with biodiversity (#8). Prof. Lorena Rebecchi of Unimore’s Department of Life Sciences is a member of the
NBFC scientific committee and is responsible, together with the University of Siena, for spoke 3 research. It
will benefit from the activities of 15 Unimore researchers with a high profile and proven track record in the
study of biodiversity, with a dedicated Unimore funding of 4.5 million euro.
a Biodiversità ha un ruolo fon- hanno comportato un incremento constante della
damentale per il funzionamento pressione sulla biodiversità, che si è tradotta in
degli ecosistemi e la fornitura di riduzione degli habitat, sovra-sfruttamento degli
beni e servizi, con evidenti riper- ecosistemi e cambiamenti climatici portando all’e-
Lcussioni sul benessere dell’am- stinzione delle specie.
biente e dell’uomo, sulla sicurezza e le attività pro- Per salvaguardare la Biodiversità, la cui tutela è
duttive. Tuttavia, negli ultimi decenni, l’aumento prevista dalla Costituzione Italiana e per risponde-
della popolazione umana e le legittime aspirazioni re alla normativa europea prevista per il 2030, che
per livelli sempre più elevati di qualità della vita
indicano come obiettivi una riduzione della perdita