Page 38 - focusUnimore_ottobre-novembre2022
P. 38

Il potenziamento della collezione UMCC e la

        creazione di una biobanca di microbiomi

                  The enhancement of the UMCC collection and the creation of a microbiome biobank

                  SUS-MIRRI.IT, Strengthening the MIRRI Italian Research Infrastructure for Sustainable Bioscience and
                  Bioeconomy, is a project for research, services and training in the field of microbial resources and aims
                  to strengthen the network of Italian biobanks, which represent the main facilities for the study and supply
                  of organisms for basic and applied research and industrial production. The SUS-MIRRI.IT project has 15
                  partners and is coordinated by the University of Turin. Unimore is one of the founding members of the Joint
                  Research Unit MIRRI-IT, the Italian microbial collections facility dedicated to research and public service
                  provision of microorganisms, mainly viruses, plasmids, bacteria, fungi and microalgae. Through the UMCC
                  - Unimore Microbial Culture Collection - ( located at the Department of Life
                  Sciences (Reggio Emilia campus), it participates in all the activities of the project, which will be supported by
                  funding under the NRRP programme, amounting to over 930,000 euro. Microbiomes represent innovative
                  and frontier tools to address current and future critical issues in agriculture, environment, food production,
                  animal and human health. This project will enable the acquisition of essential tools for the enhancement of
                  the UMCC collection and the creation of a microbiome biobank.

                                US-MIRRI.IT è un progetto di   cosiddette biobanche e sono il luogo fisico di con-
                                ricerca, servizi e formazione   servazione dei microrganismi. Rappresentano le
                                nel campo delle risorse micro-  principali strutture deputate allo studio e fornitura

                                biche.  Acronimo di  Stren-    degli organismi a scopo di ricerca di base, applica-
                  Sgthening the  MIRRI Italian                 ta e produzione industriale. Il progetto SUS-MIRRI.
                Research Infrastructure for Sustainable Bio-   IT, che conta 15 partners ed è coordinato dall’U-
                science and Bioeconomy, SUS-MIRRI.IT ha        niversità degli studi di Torino, agisce assicuran-
                l’obiettivo di rafforzare la rete di biobanche   do l’armonizzazione delle procedure necessarie
                italiane. Le collezioni microbiche rientrano fra le   a soddisfare gli standard di qualità internazionali

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