Page 56 - focusUnimore_ottobre-novembre2022
P. 56

Quando la cooperazione ‘fa la differenza’: il ruolo

        delle Università nel contrasto alla violenza contro le

                  When cooperation ‘makes a difference’: the role of universities in combating violence against

                  Unimore and CRID - Interdepartmental Research Centre on Discrimination and Vulnerability are part of
                  UN.I.RE. - UNiversity In REte against gender-based violence, a network that aims to apply the ‘Council of
                  Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence’ starting
                  from the academic system. It is the brainchild of ten universities that, after collaborating with the Parlia-
                  mentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the issue of violence against women, have joined forces in
                  a project promoted by the University of Milan-Bicocca and financed with the contribution of the Presidency
                  of the Council of Ministers - Department for Equal Opportunities. In May 2022, the constitutive phase of the
                  network officially opened and UN.I.RE. is currently the first academic network recognised by the Council of
                  Europe as part of the OCEAN - Open Council of Europe Academic Networks project. As part of its commit-
                  ment to combating and preventing violence against women since 2021, the University of Modena and Reg-
                  gio Emilia has been carrying out the GE&PA Project - Gender Equality & Public Administration. The Project is
                  promoted by the ‘Marco Biagi’ Department of Economics in collaboration with the ‘Marco Biagi’ Foundation
                  and is coordinated by Professor Tindara Addabbo, full professor of Economic Policy and Rector’s Delegate
                  for Equal Opportunities. In the framework of the GE&PA Project, a national conference entitled Countering
                  violence against women: the role of the University, promoted by the CRID-Unimore with the scientific coordi-
                  nation of Professor Thomas Casadei, full professor of Philosophy of Law and member of the GE&PA Project
                  Scientific Committee, is organised for 23 November 2022 at the Unimore Department of Law. The confer-
                  ence is part of Unimore’s calendar of initiatives within the review organised by the Municipality of Modena
                  on the occasion of the ‘International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women’ and is one of the
                  compulsory training activities for Unimore’s Technical-Administrative staff.

                              ’Università di Modena e Reg-     che ha l’obiettivo di applicare la “Convenzione del

                              gio Emilia e allo stesso modo    Consiglio d’Europa sulla prevenzione e il contrasto
                              il  CRID - Centro di Ricerca     alla violenza contro le donne e la violenza dome-
                              Interdipartimentale  su Di-      stica” (la cosiddetta “Convenzione di Istanbul”) a
                  Lscriminazioni  e vulnerabili-               partire dal sistema accademico (
                tà ( hanno aderito, fin dal-  UN.I.RE nasce dall’idea di dieci università che,
                la sua costituzione, a UN.I.RE. - UNiversità In   dopo avere collaborato con l’Assemblea Parla-
                REte contro la violenza di genere, un network

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