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Italian as a second language, even through sel-  activities and regularly do their homework.
                f-study. Currently available are: the A1 online sel-  At the end of each course, students have to take
                f-study course (which will soon be complemen-  a final written and spoken exam. The written exam
                ted by an A2 level course), the Italian-Language   tests candidates’ comprehension and written pro-
                on-demand Helpdesk, and the  Tandem project.
                                                               duction skills by means of:

                                                                 •  a reading comprehension  text with
                  Regular courses - levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1
                                                                     open-ended questions;
                  Our regular Italian courses are addressed to:
                                                                 •  the drafting of a short text;
                  •  exchange  students  (Erasmus+, Overseas,    •  a set of grammar exercises focusing on
                                                                     syntactic and lexical competences.
                  •  foreign  students  attending  a Degree  or   Upon passing the final exam, students receive
                     Specialisation Programme at UNIMORE
                                                               4 ECTS credits.
                  •  visiting guests at UNIMORE who are in-
                     volved in international exchange projects   Basic course – A1.1
                     (scholarship holders, PhD students, post-
                     grads, researchers and lecturers)           In addition to the regular courses for exchange
                                                               students and scholars, the Language Centre of-
                  In order to be admitted to the regular courses,   fers a Basic A1.1 course to international studen-
                students must pass a compulsory placement test   ts enrolled in English-taught Master’s Degree Pro-
                which takes place at the start of each semester.
                                                               grammes at UNIMORE. This course is designed for
                  Our regular courses are offered at levels A1 -   absolute beginners, with no prior knowledge of the
                A2 - B1 - B2 - C1 of the CEFR (Common European   Italian language, and is aimed at developing stu-

                Framework of Reference). Each course includes   dents’ basic language skills and promoting their
                36 hours of face-to-face lessons (a 90-minute   integration into the Italian society. To this end, the
                class twice a week) and 14 hours of online sel-  course also welcomes students coming to our
                f-learning activities. Students must attend at least   University through special international protection
                80% of face-to-face lessons, take part in class   programmes, such as UNICORE or Invest Your Ta-

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