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lent in Italy.                                 and scholars, can take part in our Tandem Project.

                  This course includes 50 hours of face-to-fa-  The Tandem project includes both face-to-face
                ce lessons and a final written and spoken exam.   conversations between students currently based
                Starting with the academic year 2023/24, the Ba-  in Modena and/or Reggio Emilia, and online me-
                sic A1.1 course is taught over two semesters (i.e.   etings with students from our two main partners:

                it starts in the first semester and covers the entire   the University of Notre Dame du Lac-Indiana and
                academic year). To be admitted to the final exam,   the University Study Abroad Consortium (USAC).
                students must attend at least 70% of classes.  Students at the Department of Studies on Langua-
                                                               ge and Culture can be granted 2 Educational Cre-
                  The Basic A1.1 course does not grant Educa-  dits (ECTs) if they take part in the online Tandem
                tional Credits (ECTS).                         project following a specific activity outline and me-

                                                               eting a specific set of requirements.
                  Extra activities                               HEBEI and BLCU students

                  A1 online course for self-study (A2 online     A special agreement is in force with the HEBEI

                course coming soon!)                           and BLCU Universities in China, whereby Chinese
                                                               students from the two institutions come and study
                  Absolute beginners who are not able to attend
                classes or need additional resources, as well as all   at our University and attend the Italian language

                the exchange students whose level in Italian is not   classes offered by the Language Centre at Uni-
                high enough to access regular courses, can follow   more. These students attend our regular courses
                the A1 online course for self-study (this course   during the first and the second semester (usually
                does not grant Educational Credits).           at a B1 and B2 CEFR level respectively), and an
                                                               intensive course in January and February (usually
                  The course is available online 24/7 and is di-  at a B1+ CEFR level).
                vided into units providing (images, sentences,
                dialogues, texts), grammar and vocabulary tables,   Marco Polo /Turandot Programme
                quizzes and exercises (multiple-choice, True/Fal-  The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia re-
                se, matching, fill in the gaps etc...).        serves a number of places for students enrolled in
                                                               the Marco Polo/Turandot Programme each year.
                  Italian-Language Helpdesk
                                                               The Marco Polo/Turandot Programme aims to in-
                  The Helpdesk consists in 30-minute online    crease the number of Chinese students studying
                one-to-one meetings with our Italian Language   at Italian universities by offering them a prelimi-
                Instructor. The service is targeted at foreign un-  nary university-level Italian language course and
                dergrad & postgrad students, researchers and   an entry visa, which allows them to attend Italian

                visiting professors with a minimum language    classes for ten months. The Italian course offered
                level of A2 in Italian, who would like to receive   by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia will
                personalized advice to improve and fine-tune their   bring students to a B1/B2 level of language profi-
                competence in the Italian language.            ciency (according to the CEFR). Upon completion

                  Tandem Project                               of the course, students will take a final exam and,
                                                               if they succeed, they will be able to enroll into a
                  All students who are enrolled in a Degree Pro-
                gramme at the University of Modena and Reggio   University Degree Programme in Italy. No further
                Emilia, as well as all foreign exchange students   Italian language test will be required.

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