Page 4 - focusUnimore_settembre2024
P. 4

Editoriale. Verso l’accreditamento periodico

                Maria Cristina Menziani

                  Approaching the University’s periodic accreditation

                  The final phase of Unimore’s periodic accreditation visit by the National Agency for the Evaluation of the
                  University System and Research (ANVUR) is approaching. A commission of experts assesses the perma-
                  nence of the Quality Requirements that make the University suitable for the performance of its institutional
                  functions. In particular, the evaluation is aimed at measuring the efficiency, economic-financial sustainability
                  of the activities and results achieved in the areas of teaching, research and the third mission/social impact,
                  in accordance with the standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education
                  Area (ESG) and taking into account the objectives of the Ministry’s three-year programme. The commission
                  that assesses Unimore is composed of 23 experts in economic and financial sustainability, system, disciplin-
                  ary areas and students. The University’s commitment to the continuous strengthening of the 2020-2025
                  Strategic Plan facilitated the complex phase of preparing the Self-Assessment Documents. This phase saw
                  the intense choral work of lecturers, technical-administrative staff and students.

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