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Unimore illumina la Notte della Ricerca

                  Unimore lights up the ‘Research Night

                  The Research Night is back, Friday 27 September 2024.  Unimore’s important annual event that will shed
                  light on the University’s numerous study projects will bring many new features and will involve more than 450
                  researchers in five locations: in Modena at the Complesso San Geminiano, the Complesso San Paolo and the
                  Osservatorio Geofisico, in Reggio Emilia at the Tecnopolo - Reggiane Parco dell’Innovazione, in Mantua at the
                  Fondazione Universitaria - FUM. This year’s theme that will run through all the exhibitions will be Sustainability
                  and the 17 goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. All the research groups will present their
                  studies and show how the sustainable goals are the backbone of Unimore research, indispensable elements
                  for a truly sustainable development. Unimore will also present the research activities linked to UNIgreen - the
                  green European University, the alliance of our University with seven other European higher education institu-
                  tions for the creation of the first European university on the themes of sustainable agriculture, green biotech-
                  nology and environmental and life sciences. The complete programme of the Night is available here: https://

                                 nimore torna ad accende-      ranno i loro studi e campi di ricerca  attraverso
                                 re,  venerdì 27 settembre     esperimenti, laboratori, esposizioni, dibattiti e se-

                                 2024, il faro della Notte del-  minari.
                                 la Ricerca che farà luce sui    Tante le novità dell’edizione 2024 che vedrà im-
                  Unumerosissimi progetti di                   pegnati oltre 450 ricercatori in tre città, Mode-
                studio dell’Ateneo.
                                                               na, Reggio Emilia e Mantova e in cinque sedi:
                  L’edizione 2024 vedrà il coinvolgimento di quasi   a Modena al Complesso San Geminiano, al
                120 gruppi di ricercatori e ricercatrici che espor-  Complesso San Paolo e all’Osservatorio Ge-

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