Page 4 - focusUnimore_aprile2024
P. 4
Benessere lavorativo e ruolo del CUG
Rita Bertozzi
The focus on occupational well-being is an important area in Italian universities where, also thanks to the
various equality bodies, various actions are promoted. The Comitato Unico di Garanzia (CUG) has completed
its monitoring of gender equality data in Unimore and the report highlights the persistence of factors that still
lead to situations of imbalance in terms of job opportunities. However, there are also signs of improvement.
The commitment to the promotion of organisational wellbeing and work-life balance is also one of the areas
envisaged in Unimore’s “Positive Actions Plan”. This Plan is connected to the Gender Equality Plan and, in
2024, focuses on three macro-areas of intervention: the monitoring of agile work and teleworking projects;
the promotion of training opportunities on anxiety and stress management; gender equality, the fight against
gender-based violence and inclusive language.