Page 18 - focusUnimore_gennaio2024
P. 18
Tra supporto e orientamento: la formula di
successo di Unimore nel tutorato
Support and counselling: Unimore’s successful tutoring formula
Tutoring represents one of the most effective levers in university education to contrast the phenomenon
of dropping out in the first year of studies. The practices adopted by Unimore include innovative strategies
and a constant commitment to supporting students in their academic and personal development. Unimore’s
approach to tutoring is characterised by a close interconnection between data analysis and customised
actions, resulting in a highly effective service suitable to the different needs of students. Tutoring actions are
varied and aim to meet different needs, through individual interviews with a guidance counsellor, method-
ological-didactic support and collaboration between departments and the Student Counselling and Tutoring
Office. In this way, Unimore not only tackles the phenomenon of university drop-outs, but actively contributes
to the training of individuals who are more aware, prepared and able to face the challenges of the academic
and professional world.
n approccio mirato e “da- Il tutorato rappresenta una delle leve più effi-
ta-driven” nel tutorato uni- caci nell’ambito della formazione universitaria per
versitario per affrontare le combattere il fenomeno dell’abbandono al primo
sfide dell’abbandono al primo anno di studi. Nel contesto delle pratiche adottate
Uanno: supporto strategico e dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, emerge
pratico per studenti e studentesse in un con- un quadro di strategie innovative e di un impegno
testo accademico in continua evoluzione. costante volto a supportare gli studenti nel loro
percorso accademico e personale. L’approccio di