Page 38 - focusUnimore_giugno2023
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La Conferenza “Industria 4.0 – Dieci anni dopo”: un
confronto internazionale tra studiosi delle trasformazioni
tecnologiche e organizzative del settore manifatturiero e
sugli impatti sul lavoro e sulla società
The “Industry 4.0 - Ten Years Later” Conference: an international exchange of views between
scholars on technological and organisational changes in the manufacturing sector and their impact
on work and society
From 17 to 19 May, the important international conference “Industry 4.0 - Ten Years Later” took place at the
Marco Biagi Department of Economics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, in the heart of Motor
Valley. Some of the most authoritative scholars at the international level participated in the three days of
study and discussion on the themes of the technological transformations that are changing the organisation
of production processes and work, contributing to the development of an interdisciplinary debate, the formu-
lation of new empirical questions and the exploration of new theoretical and methodological perspectives.
The three-day conference was rich in content, with 14 thematic panels in which more than 40 researchers
from all over the world presented their research contributions, 3 key note speeches, by Karamjit Gill - Uni-
versity of Brighton, Mark Graham - Oxford Internet Institute, Matthew Cole - Oxford Internet Institute, and 2
plenary sessions, attended by leaders of the main Italian Trade Union Organisations and Confindustria and
trade union delegates from two important manufacturing companies that are particularly advanced in terms
of technology and organisation, Automobili Lamborghini and GD. The conference closed with the wish to
continue the discussion and deepen the debate in the future, through enhanced international and interdisci-
plinary collaboration on the topics discussed during these three days.
al 17 al 19 maggio, presso Dott.ssa Sara Caria del Dipartimento di Comuni-
il Dipartimento di Economia cazione ed Economia di Unimore e il Dott. Fran-
Marco Biagi dell’Università cesco Garibaldo della Fondazione Sabattini)
di Modena e Reggio Emilia, si sono avvalsi della collaborazione di Gerpisa,
Dnel cuore della Motor Valley, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Fondazione Giacomo
si è svolta l’importante conferenza internazionale Brodolini, Fondazione Marco Biagi e Motorvehicle
“Industry 4.0 – Ten Years Later”. University of Emilia-Romagna.
Nell’organizzare la conferenza, il Dipartimento Alcuni tra i più autorevoli studiosi a livello inter-
di Economia Marco Biagi (nelle persone della Prof. nazionale hanno partecipato alle tre giornate di
ssa Margherita Russo e della Dott.ssa Bene- studio e discussione sui temi delle trasfor-
detta Acerbi) e gli altri componenti del comitato mazioni tecnologiche che stanno cambiando
organizzatore locale (Prof. Matteo Rinaldini e l’organizzazione dei processi produttivi e del