Page 4 - focusUnimore_luglio2023
P. 4
Editoriale: Il Piano di Comunicazione
2023-2025 di Unimore
Thomas Casadei
Unimore Communication Plan 2023-2025
Communication has become a central element in every sector of society, including the university, and Uni-
more recognises its importance for its central role in promoting and enhancing the identity of the university,
an awareness that has led in recent years to careful planning of communication activities, as outlined in the
University Communication Plan 2023-2025. Hence the value of the Plan, whose purpose is to effectively
manage Unimore communication processes in order to strengthen the University identity in all sectors and
areas. The policy document aims to promote and enhance elements of primary importance, such as the
quality of the educational offer, interaction with the public and involvement of the academic community. Ac-
tions have been taken to support various aspects of communication in order to implement an effective and
always inclusive communication language. Among these actions is a broader use of digital communication
channels, which allow reaching a wider audience and interacting in an effective and timely manner. In fact,
Unimore intends to exploit the opportunities offered by digital, not only to communicate, but also to stimulate
participation and dialogue. In this context, the FSC-Unimore university radio is to be given an increasingly
central role. Through the Communication Plan, Unimore intends to reaffirm the strategic value of commu-
nication for the achievement of its objectives, including that of enhancing its identity within the Italian and
international academic panorama.