Page 32 - focusUnimore_maggio2024
P. 32

Grandi successi sportivi per gli studenti e le

        studentesse di Unimore

                  Great sporting achievements for Unimore students

                  The third Cus More athletics meeting was held at the end of April and almost 600 athletes took part in the
                  event, which is included in the “World Athletics Global Calendar. Thanks to the results of its students, Uni-
                  more ranked second out of 12 competing universities, one step below the University of Bologna. Cus More,
                  as every year, was the promoter of the USE - Unimore Sport Excellence study awards ceremony. During the
                  awards ceremony, the Unimore Sport Excellence 2024 Team and the CUS More representative team that
                  will participate in the next National University Championships were introduced. In fact, it was only a few days
                  ago that CUS More qualified for the finals of the National University Championships with all team sports, the
                  only one among university sports centres, together with that of Parma, to have 6 teams at the finals.  A fur-
                  ther great sporting achievement is that of the inaugural edition of the Abu Dhabi Autonomous Racing League
                  by Aspire, a competition entirely dedicated to self-driving racing cars: on the Yas Marina circuit, the Unimore
                  Racing team took third place out of eight competing teams from all over the world.

                                eriodo di grandi successi sul   particolare agli studenti universitari che grazie ai

                                piano sportivo per Unimore. A   risultati ottenuti hanno concorso a comporre una
                                fine aprile si è svolto al campo   classifica degli atenei partecipanti.
                                comunale di atletica leggera di   Sono stati quasi 600 gli atleti e le atlete che
                  PModena il terzo meeting di                  hanno preso parte all’evento, che si inserisce
                atletica leggera Cus More, un appuntamento     nel “World Athletics Global Calendar”, gareggian-
                aperto a tutti/e i giovani sportivi, ma dedicato in
                                                               do in diverse specialità: 400 ostacoli, 200m, salto

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