Page 28 - focusUnimore_maggio2024
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BIP - Blended Intensive Program “Spring School in

        Academic Writing”

                  BIP - Blended Intensive Program “Spring School in Academic Writing”

                  The BIP - Blended Intensive Programme ‘Spring School in Academic Writing’, funded by the Erasmus
                  programme, was held in Reggio Emilia in April, in collaboration between UNIMORE and four other European
                  universities. The programme involved the attendance of some international online courses during the month
                  of April 2024, and a week of intensive lectures. The lectures dealt with the topic of language for academic
                  writing and focused in particular on vocabulary, grammar, register and style of academic language. The
                  Spring School involved 20 students from different university backgrounds, including three students from
                  Unimore who considered the Spring School a valuable experience from a linguistic and human perspec-
                  tive. Many of the partners were not familiar with this new form of short but intensive mobility and UNIMORE
                  played an active role in promoting these opportunities. Given the success of this first BIP, the Department
                  of Communication and Economics will organise a second one at the end of May aimed at improving public

                                i è concluso venerdì 19 aprile a   Zielona Góra (Polonia), Open University of
                                Reggio Emilia il BIP - Blended   Cyprus (Cipro), Slovak University of Techno-
                                Intensive  Program “Spring     logy di Bratislava (Slovacchia).
                                School in  Academic Wri-         Il programma ha previsto la frequenza di alcuni
                                                               corsi internazionali online durante il mese di aprile
                  Il progetto, finanziato dal programma Erasmus,   2024, in aggiunta a una settimana di lezioni in-
                ha visto la collaborazione di Unimore con al-  tensive.
                tre quattro università europee: International    Le lezioni hanno trattato il tema del linguag-

                Hellenic  University  (Grecia),  Università  di
                                                               gio per la scrittura accademica e si sono foca-

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