Page 32 - focusUnimore_novembre2021
P. 32

Innovazione sociale, inclusione e
        Innovazione sociale,              inc  lusione e
        rigenerazione urbana:
        rigenerazione urbana:
        una ricerca-azione per la zona
        una ricerca-azione per la zona
        stazione di Reggio Emilia
        stazione di Reggio Emilia

                                  inclusion and urban r
                  Social inno
                  Social innovation, inclusion and urban regeneration:

                  an action-r
                  an action-research for the railway station area in Reggio Emilia
                                             ay station ar
                                 h for the r
                                                       ea in Reggio Emilia
                  The area surrounding Reggio Emilia railway station has long been subject to a series of urban regeneration
                  The area surrounding Reggio Emilia railway station has long been subject to a series of urban regeneration
                  actions to stop the process of social and housing degradation in progress that has been going on for at least
                  actions to stop the process of social and housing degradation in progress that has been going on for at least
                  two decades.
                  two decades.
                  There are currently two projects in place for the railway station area: the work of the Memorandum of Under-
                  There are currently two projects in place for the railway station area:  the work of the Memorandum of Under -
                  standing for the promotion of the strategic plan 2020/2023 and the projects related to the integrated plan of
                  standing for the promotion of the strategic plan 2020/2023 and the projects related to the integrated plan of
                  housing solidarity and the programme on the quality of living.
                  housing solidarity and the programme on the quality of living.
                  In agreement with the Department of Housing and the participation of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia,  the
                  In agreement with the Department of Housing and the participation of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, the
                  Department of Communication and Economics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia has started a
                  Department of Communication and Economics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia has started a
                  research activity to better understand the needs and requirements existing in the area, and to promote social
                  research activity to better understand the needs and requirements existing in the area,  and to promote social
                  innovation and inclusion interventions.
                  innovation and inclusion inter ventions.
                  The first step of the research was the analysis of the local context and relevant stakeholders, with a focus on
                                                                                           with a focus on
                  The first step of the research was the analysis of the local context and relevant stakeholders,
                  past policies,  projects,  activities and collaborative dynamics.
                  past policies, projects, activities and collaborative dynamics.
                  The second phase is currently in progress,  which includes inter views and focus-groups involving residents,
                  The second phase is currently in progress, which includes interviews and focus-groups involving residents,
                  association representatives, organisations and local committees.
                  association representatives,  organisations and local committees.
                  The last phase will be activated to guide participator y paths of social innovation,  such as co-design of urban
                  The last phase will be activated to guide participatory paths of social innovation, such as co-design of urban
                  spaces,  which will involve residents.
                  spaces, which will involve residents.
                  The results of the analysis will provide insights for the launch and management of policy actions targeted to
                  The results of the analysis will provide insights for the launch and management of policy actions targeted to
                  the station area.
                  the station area.
                   L           a zona stazione della città di   sono i partiti i lavori del Protocollo d’intesa per
                                                               sono i partiti i lavori del Protocollo d’intesa per
                               a zona stazione della città di
                                                               la promozione del Piano strategico Zona stazione
                                                               la promozione del Piano strategico Zona stazione
                               Reggio Emilia è da tempo pro-
                               Reggio Emilia è da tempo pro
                                                               2020-2023; dall’altra parte, sono stati ammessi a

                               tagonista di una serie di azio
                               tagonista di una serie di azio-
                               ni di rigenerazione urbana per
                                                               finanziamento governativo i progetti “902/Abitare
                                                               finanziamento governativo i progetti
                               ni di rigenerazione urbana per
                   Linterrompere il processo di de-interrompere il processo di de-
                                                               Solidale” e “R60”, promossi dal Comune di Reg-
                                     in corso da almeno due
                                                               gio Emilia nell’ambito rispettivamente del Piano
                grado sociale e abitativo in corso da almeno due   Solidale”  e  “R60”,  promossi  dal  Comune  di Reg -
                grado sociale e abitativo
                                                               gio Emilia nell’ambito rispettivamente del Piano
                                                               Integrato di Edilizia Residenziale Solidale (Piers) e
                decenni.                                       Integrato  di  Edilizia  Residenziale  Solidale  (Piers)  e
                                                               del Programma sulla Qualità dell’abitare (PinQua).
                   Al momento,
                               l’ambito territoriale è interes
                   Al momento, l’ambito territoriale è interes- -  del Programma sulla Qualità dell’abitare (PinQua).
                                                               Piers e PinQua prevedono un ampio programma
                sato da due progetti di ordine e natura differen -  Piers e PinQua prevedono un ampio programma
                sato da due progetti di ordine e natura differen-

                te, ma convergenti sugli obiettivi: da una parte,     integrato di riqualificazione residenziale, funziona- -
                   ma convergenti sugli obiettivi:
                                              da una parte,
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