Page 28 - focusUnimore_novembre2021
P. 28
La questione dell’alloggio e l’inclusione sociale:
un focus dell’Osservatorio migranti del CRID
nell’ambito della VI edizione del Festival della
The issue of housing and social inclusion: a focus of the CRID Migrant Observatory as part of the
6th edition of the Festival of Migration
The Interdepartmental Research Center on Discrimination and Vulnerability (Centro di Ricerca Intedipartimen-
tale su Discriminazioni e Vulnerabilità - CRID), directed by Professor Gianfrancesco Zanetti, was among the
promoters of the sixth edition of the Festival of Migration, dedicated to the theme “Citizens All” which involved
several guests, from all over Italy and beyond, who have discussed various issues on the freedom of move-
ment, the right to education, the “second generations”, the problem of “invisible people”, the “ius culturae”,
sport as a factor of inclusion, on the third sector and active citizenship.
Among the topics covered, the issue of precarious housing and the right to housing, the result of a study
carried out over many years by the CRID Migrant Observatory, which noted the great difficulties in gathering
the availability of second-home owners, also in view of the economic and contractual guarantees offered by
the public system. Thanks to the project “Agenzia Casa”, which meets the needs of owners and tenants in a
situation of distress, there are about 600 apartments granted by the Municipality.
Among the initiatives promoted by the Festival of Migration, there was another session promoted by the CRID,
entitled “Right to travel and asylum. New challenges for the status civitatis in the European legal area”.
The opening day of the festival was also attended by the Rector Carlo Adolfo Porro; a Lectio Magistralis was
held by Professor Luigi Ferrajoli entitled “Why a Constitution of the Earth?” on the protection of human rights.
nche quest’anno il CRID – tutti”, si è svolta gli scorsi 4, 5 e 6 novembre: la
Centro di Ricerca Interdipar- prima giornata e parte della seconda sono state
timentale su Discriminazioni ospitate presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
e vulnerabilità – diretto dal dell’Università di Modena, nella cornice di San Ge-
AProf. Gianfrancesco Zanetti miniano.
– è stato tra i promotori del Festival della Mi- Le varie sessioni – che si sono svolte in mo-
grazione, giunto alla sua sesta edizione. dalità “mista”, con vari relatori presenti e al con-
La manifestazione, dedicata al tema “Cittadini tempo con la trasmissione in streaming di tutti gli