Page 8 - focusUnimore_ottobre-novembre2022
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25 anni di Università a Reggio Emilia
25 years of University in Reggio Emilia
1998 was the year in which the University of Modena changed its name to the University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia. This was the year in which the deed was signed that sanctioned the configuration of the
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia as a university articulated as a ‘network of campuses’, an un-
precedented articulation for our country at that time, inspired by international models and which undoubt-
edly represented an innovation. Since then, Reggio Emilia also became a university town. Among the first
Unimore programmes set up in Reggio Emilia are the newly established Department of Engineering - Reggio
Emilia, which gave birth to Management Engineering, the degree programme in Primary Teacher Education
(initially with dual participation between Unimore and Unibo) and the degree programme in Agriculture. A
further important development took place in 2001/2002, when the Department of Communication Sciences
and Economics was established. With the ‘Gelmini reform’ that gave rise to the division of universities into
departments, Reggio Emilia became the seat of three departments: Department of Education and Human
Sciences, Department of Communication and Economics and Department of Sciences and Methods for En-
gineering, while the Department of Agriculture will form the Reggio Emilia section of the Department of Life
Sciences in Modena. Over the years, the number of enrolments in Unimore’s degree programmes in Reggio
Emilia has grown steadily to around 9,000 students today. Other degree programmes are currently being
activated and highly specialised programmes have been created that increase the teaching offer and attract
new students. The university in Reggio Emilia is 25 years old, a short period of time for an institution such as
the university whose history is measured in centuries, but one in which it is certainly already possible to be
satisfied with the path taken so far and the premises laid for its further consolidation and development.
È un’Università articolata a “rete di sedi”, ar-
il 1998 l’anno in cui l’Univer-
sità di Modena assume la de-
ticolazione inedita per il nostro Paese in quel pe-
riodo, ispirata a modelli internazionali e che ha
nominazione di Università di
Modena e Reggio Emilia.
Da quel momento anche Reggio Emilia di-
Si tratta dell’anno in cui rappresentato indubbiamente un’innovazione.
viene firmato l’atto che sancisce la configurazio- venta una città universitaria.
ne dell’Ateneo di Modena e Reggio Emilia come