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Al via l’anno accademico 2023/24 con tanti servizi

         dedicati a studenti e studentesse

                  The academic year 2023/24 kicks off with many services for male and female students

                  Unimore opens the new academic year with three additional degree programmes: the Master’s Degree in
                  “Theories and Methodologies of Digital Learning” from the Department of Education and Human Sciences
                  and two Master’s Degrees from the Enzo Ferrari Department of Engineering: “Artificial Intelligence Engineer-
                  ing” and “Sustainable Industrial Engineering”. The latest Almalaurea Report on the Profile and Employment
                  Condition of Graduates shows that at Unimore seven out of ten students complete their course of study and
                  91% of Unimore graduates are satisfied with their university experience. The same Report has for years
                  placed Unimore at the top of the national rankings among state universities for employability, a fact also
                  confirmed by the Censis 2023 ranking. An important objective of Unimore is to help future students make
                  an informed choice. In fact, there is always a section of the University website entirely dedicated to the
                  “Future Student”, where information can be found ranging from enrolment procedures to the presentation of
                  the educational offer, and services and costs. And with regard to the latter issue, the academic bodies have
                  decided to raise the exemption bracket for the purposes of the No Tax Area for the academic year 2023/24,
                  setting the new limit at €27,000 (from the previous €24,500). Among the main services for potential fresh-
                  men are the InformaStudenti, the Guidance Counselling Service and the Reception Service for Students with
                  Disabilities and DSA. Until 26 September, at the InformaStudenti offices of Unimore, dedicated information
                  consultancy services are available to support students in accessing benefits and services for the Right to
                  Study. The university also supports those who practise sport at a high level thanks to the Unimore Sport
                  Excellence programme, which provides access to the so-called ‘dual career’ to facilitate the completion of a
                  university career at the same time as a competitive career.

                                  nimore  si  presenta  all’av-  dell’ultimo Rapporto Almalaurea sul Profilo e sulla
                                  vio imminente del nuovo      Condizione occupazionale di laureati e laureate:

                                  anno accademico 2023/24      sette studenti su dieci portano a termine il
                                  con tre nuovissimi corsi     proprio ciclo di studi in corso.
                  Udi laurea: la magistrale in                   Lo stesso Rapporto mette Unimore ormai da
                “Teorie e metodologie del Digital learning”    anni ai vertici nazionali tra le università sta-
                del Dipartimento di Educazione e Scienze Uma-  tali per l’occupabilità di laureati e laureate,
                ne e due magistrali afferenti al Dipartimento di   dato confermato anche dalla classifica Censis
                Ingegneria Enzo Ferrari: “Artificial Intelligence   2023 (Centro Studi Investimenti Sociali) sulle uni-
                Engineering” e “Sustainable Industrial Engi-   versità  italiane,  che  premia  Unimore  anche  nel
                                                               campo della didattica.
                  Un’offerta sempre  più ampia  e variegata che   Anche il livello di soddisfazione di studenti e

                presta una grande attenzione alla qualità del-  studentesse dell’Ateneo di Modena e Reggio Emi-
                la didattica e al percorso formativo di studenti e   lia è da primato: il 91% di laureati e laureate
                studentesse, come dimostra un dato significativo
                                                               Unimore è soddisfatto dell’esperienza uni-

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