Page 24 - focusUnimore_febbraio2024
P. 24

SUS-MIRRI.IT: Unimore presente al meeting

        intermedio del progetto per il rafforzamento della

        rete italiana delle collezioni microbiche

                  SUS-MIRRI.IT: Unimore attends the mid-term meeting of the project to strengthen the Italian net-
                  work of microbial collections

                  Financed with 17 million euros from the PNRR, SUS-MIRRI.IT is a research project that aims to strengthen
                  Italian microbial collections in order to explore microbial biodiversity. The project, in which Unimore also
                  participates with Prof. Maria Gullo, involves 24 Operating Units located throughout Italy and belonging to 15
                  different research institutions. Fourteen months after the start of activities, the interim meeting of the project
                  was held in Rome, at the CNR headquarters, where the main results achieved so far were presented and
                  reported. The event was attended by about 120 participants in presence from all over Italy and over 100
                  connected remotely representing the participating institutions. Among the objectives of SUS-MIRRI.IT are the
                  pursuit of international quality standards for certification and the realisation of a management system, as
                  well as a single platform for access to conserved microbial resources (including their associated metadata),
                  state-of-the-art technologies, services and expertise provided to national and international stakeholders. All
                  project details and news are constantly communicated on the website (

                              inanziato con 17 milioni di        A 14 mesi dall’inizio delle attività, il 2 febbraio
                              euro dal PNRR, SUS-MIRRI.        2024, si è tenuto a Roma, presso la sede del CNR,

                              IT mira a rafforzare le col-     il meeting intermedio del progetto SUS-MIR-
                              lezioni microbiche italiane      RI.IT in cui sono stati presentati e divulgati i prin-
                  Fper esplorare la biodiversità               cipali risultati finora raggiunti. Hanno preso parte
                microbica. Al progetto, cui partecipa anche    all’evento circa 120 partecipanti in presenza da
                Unimore con la Prof.ssa Maria Gullo, sono      tutta Italia ed oltre 100 connessi da remoto in rap-
                presenti 24 Unità Operative dislocate su tut-  presentanza delle Istituzioni partecipanti.
                to il territorio nazionale ed appartenenti a 15   SUS-MIRRI.IT è un progetto di ricerca nel
                diverse Istituzioni di ricerca.                campo delle risorse microbiche finanziato

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