Page 28 - focusUnimore_febbraio2025
P. 28

La relazione tra melanoma e radiazioni solari,

        l’inquinamento e la luce notturna come cause della
        leucemia infantile e il metabolismo del cancro alla

        prostata: questi i temi dei progetti finanziati per il

        Macrosettore di Scienze della Vita (Linea FOMO)

                  The relationship between melanoma and solar radiation, pollution and night-time light as causes of
                  childhood leukaemia, and prostate cancer metabolism: these are the themes of the projects funded
                  for the Life Sciences sector (FOMO Line).
                  The research projects funded by Unimore through the FAR 2024 call for the ERC Life Sciences sector
                  consist of three studies, each receiving a grant of €73,600. The first project, led by Prof. Alberto Modenese,
                  focuses on the relationship between skin melanoma and exposure to ultraviolet solar radiation at work in the
                  Modena area, aiming to promote the prevention of occupational diseases related to solar radiation. The sec-
                  ond project, led by Prof. Marcella Malavolti, investigates the environmental risk factors, such as air pollution
                  and night-time light, associated with childhood leukaemia risk in the Modena population. The third project,
                  led by Prof. Silvia Belluti, is dedicated to lactate metabolism in prostate cancer, with the goal of identifying
                  therapeutic vulnerabilities and diagnostic biomarkers. These interdisciplinary studies aim to improve preven-
                  tion, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases linked to environmental and oncological factors.

                  I                                            ti del  Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche,

                        progetti di ricerca finanziati da
                                                               Metaboliche e Neuroscienze (BMN): il proget-
                        Unimore attraverso il bando FAR
                        - Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca
                                                               to “Melanoma of the skin and exposure to solar
                                                               ultraviolet radiation at work in Modena territory:
                        2024 - Linea FOMO (Fondazione di
                        Modena) per il Macrosettore ERC di
                Scienze della Vita - LS sono tre, ognuno dei   a casecontrol study to promote an active search
                                                               and prevention of occupational diseases based
                quali ha ricevuto un finanziamento di 73.600 euro.   on recent INAIL criteria” (Melanoma cutaneo ed

                  Due di questi studi sono coordinati da docen-  esposizione a radiazioni solari ultraviolette sul la-

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