Page 30 - focusUnimore_gennaio2022
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La formazione degli insegnanti e il loro sviluppo
professionale: progetti e attività di Unimore
Teacher training and professional development: Unimore projects and activities
Teachers are at the centre of numerous initiatives of the Department of Education and Human Sciences
(DESU) and the Research Centre “teachers and educational innovation” - CERIID, directed by professor
Roberta Cardarello. The aim of the Centre is to provide a systematic link to the research activities carried out
by various DESU teachers and researchers in the fields of educational innovation and professional develop-
ment of teachers and other educational figures. It promotes interdisciplinary collective research activities,
carries out communication initiatives and dissemination of research results, and responds to requests for
advice and monitoring made by local authorities and institutions.
Unimore departments boast several active projects of this kind; for example, the Department of Education
and Humanities is proposing to primary schools “A journey around food” and “Observe the interlanguage”
an educational experimentation to develop new models of Italian teaching; the Department of Science and
Methods of Engineering promotes the “Design thinking for project teaching”; the Enzo Ferrari Engineering
Department is collaborating with the Modena Visual Arts Foundation at the exhibition on the works and artis-
tic research of Aldo Spoldi; the Law Department organises and carries out training seminars and soft-skills
courses for guidance aimed at secondary education institutions.
In collaboration with the CRID - Interdepartmental Research Centre on Discrimination and Vulnerability, train-
ing seminars on civic education, environmental issues, cyberbullying, discrimination and vulnerability are
also organised.
a formazione iniziale e in itinere logiche e di Scienze della vita (link all’articolo).
degli insegnanti di ogni ordine e In questo contributo si illustrano le proposte e i
grado è un tema importante in progetti di altri dipartimenti.
cui sono coinvolti docenti, ricer-
Lcatrici e ricercatori dell’Ateneo Gli insegnanti sono al centro di numerose inizia-
da molti anni e in modo diversificato. tive del Dipartimento di Educazione e Scienze
Umane (DESU) e, in particolare, del Centro di
Nel numero di FocusUnimore di aprile 2021 Ricerca “insegnanti e innovazione didatti-
sono state presentate le iniziative proposte dai Di- ca” - CERIID (, attivo dal
partimenti di Scienze Fisiche, Informatiche febbraio del 2019 sotto la direzione della Prof.ssa
e Matematiche, di Scienze Chimiche e Geo-
Roberta Cardarello.