Page 16 - focusUnimore_gennaio2023
P. 16
Libri accessibili: studenti e studentesse Unimore
potranno usufruire dei testi in formato elettronico
direttamente presso le biblioteche universitarie
Accessible books: Unimore students will be able to access texts in electronic format directly from university
One of the first Italian universities to promote the right to study of students with disabilities and with Specific
Learning Disorders, Unimore will take a further important step towards breaking down those barriers that
still exist and have yet to be tackled by people with disabilities. Unimore is continuing its mission to make it
increasingly easier moving around within its facilities without barriers and with dedicated routes; in fact, in
the Department of Education and Human Sciences - DESU the complete removal of architectural barriers is
planned for 2023. The big news this year is the Accessible Books; project, which will guarantee access to
university texts in electronic format via the University Library System and will enable university students, who
are used to studying using speech synthesis, to be able to use texts in electronic format. In 2022, Unimore
became a nationally accredited body and is therefore able to request texts in electronic format directly from
individual publishers, ensuring that they can be used by students with disabilities or certified SLD. Thanks to
this project, Unimore further guarantees the right to study and equal training opportunities for all university
students and the provision of quality services.
L ibri accessibili e percorsi senza che ancora devono essere affrontate dalle perso-
barriere architettoniche è l’o-
ne con disabilità.
biettivo che si pone Unimore per
Unimore prosegue, dunque, la sua missione per
il prossimo anno accademico.
Unimore, tra i primi Atenei
delle strutture senza barriere e con percorsi dedi-
italiani ad essere porta bandiera del diritto allo rendere sempre più agevole il percorso all’interno
cati e garantire anche l’accesso ai testi universita-
studio degli studenti e delle studentesse con di- ri in un formato accessibile.
sabilità e con DSA, compirà ancora un altro passo Due le novità nel corso del 2023:
importante verso l’abbattimento di quelle barriere,
apparentemente invisibili, che ancora esistono e Abbattimento completo delle barriere ar-
chitettoniche presso il Dipartimento di Educa-