Page 32 - focusUnimore_gennaio2023
P. 32

FocusUnimore si racconta

                  FocusUnimore tells its story

                  The university web magazine directed by Professor Thomas Casadei and conceived by him together with the
                  Rector and Serena Benedetti, FocusUnimore has now reached its thirty-second issue. It was created to be a
                  communication tool capable of disseminating knowledge of the many initiatives, activities and programmes
                  within the University, as well as to be a communication tool between the University and the territory. In fact,
                  its aim is to increase awareness on the part of local realities of what the University of Modena and Reggio
                  Emilia is and what it does, contributing to restoring its image as an institution crucial to the cultural, social
                  and economic innovation processes of the territory, but also as a knowledge hub, an integral part of a na-
                  tional and international network. The three years of work have been of intense choral commitment to pursue
                  the goals that have been set since the beginning of this publishing venture, with the constant supervision of
                  the Rector and the contribution of the University’s communication area. Several topics were dealt with, as
                  well as many initiatives were focused on and made known, and it was not only a matter of identifying the
                  ‘news’ and giving it an appropriate form for a heterogeneous audience, but also of always taking care to
                  maintain a balance between the different contents of the articles, activities that involved significant relational
                  and coordination work. The choral and connecting work continued even in the most critical months during
                  the pandemic, enabling not only readers, but also those who actively contributed to the publication of each
                  issue, to increase their knowledge of Unimore, its most recent history, its current heritage and its potential
                  for the future. The hope is to continue to expand the number of recipients, to further improve its quality, and
                  to consolidate its profile as an instrument of the University in all its components and structures.

                                ra l’autunno del 2019 quando,   tore, fu affidato il ruolo di Direttore responsabile e
                                su mandato del neoeletto Ret-  la funzione, condivisa con lo stesso Rettore, Prof.
                                tore dell’Università di Modena   Carlo A. Porro, e la Dott.ssa Serena Benedetti (Re-
                                e Reggio Emilia Adolfo Porro, fu   sponsabile dello Staff di Direzione di Unimore), di
                  Eideato FocusUnimore, il nuovo               ideazione e progettazione del nascente web ma-
                web magazine d’ateneo oggi arrivato al trentadue-  gazine. Immediatamente è stata formato il Comi-
                simo numero.                                   tato editoriale, composto da cinque docenti di
                                                               diversa provenienza dipartimentale (le Professo-
                  Al Prof.  Thomas Casadei, da poco nominato
                Delegato alla comunicazione e Portavoce del Ret-  resse Claudia Canali e Michela Maschietto, i Pro-

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