Page 32 - focusUnimore_giugno2021
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Unimore e il Canada: il Laboratorio
Unimore and Canada: the EduCare Laboratory
The collaboration between Unimore and the University of Montreal (UdeM) has led to the creation of the
EduCare Laboratory for the development of the Partnership with Patients: an alliance between patients and
caregivers to humanize care, and between health professionals and patients. The relationship was formalised
in 2018 in an Agreement between Unimore and UdeM that sets up an activity programme for integrated
training and teaching on inter-professional collaboration, collaboration in patient’s care, and the contribution
of patients to the training of health sciences students. In addition, it aims to develop joint research projects
on these topics, exchange of scientific documentation, and organisation of seminars, mobility of students,
fellows, and graduates. UdeM’s contact persons are Professor Marie-Claude Vanier and Professor Vincent
Dumez. After spending four years of his life in hospital as a patient, Dumez joined the University as a lecturer,
taking over as head of the Office of Patient Partner Expertise, set up by UdeM’s Faculty of Medicine, which at
the end of 2016 gave birth to the Centre of Excellence on Partnership with Patients and the Public (CEPPP).
Under the guidance of Professor Dumez, 250 patients actively collaborating with the care team are involved
in the training of future doctors and other professionals, with lectures and tutoring, for an approach that is not
only aimed at the disease itself but rather at the patient and disease ‘as a whole’. Therefore, it is no longer just
a participant’s role but an essential support at all stages of the research process, as partners in the project,
actively participating in the governance activity. During recent years, meetings were held and experience was
exchanged on several occasions, because through the collaboration of the EduCare Laboratory with CEPPP,
Unimore wishes to follow a path that is similar to that of Quebec.
l percorso di collaborazione fra l’Uni- sua proiezione internazionale.
versità di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Uni- Il frutto della collaborazione fra Unimore e
more) e l’Università di Montreal (UdeM) UdeM, è la nascita presso il nostro Ateneo del La-
ha portato a strutturare il Laboratorio boratorio EduCare, la stretta relazione e integra-
IEduCare per lo sviluppo del Partena- zione fra Scienze Mediche e Scienze Umane, fra
riato con i Pazienti: l’alleanza fra curati e curanti professionisti sanitari e malati.
per umanizzare la cura di cui si è fornita una prima
presentazione nel n. 10 di FocusUnimore. È su queste fondamenta che si potrà realiz-
zare il progetto di partenariato con i pazienti, co-
In questa occasione si illustrano le prospetti- nosciuto e apprezzato in occasione del “Forum
ve della collaborazione con specifico riguardo alla International francophone de Pédagogie des