Page 16 - focusUnimore_luglio2023
P. 16

La comunicazione digitale di Ateneo: strategie e

         azioni in corso

                  The University’s digital communication: strategies and ongoing actions

                  In the last three years, Unimore’s social channels have recorded great growth, on Instragram by +400%, on
                  Facebook by +55%, on Linkedin by +47.5%, on Twitter by +30%. Given the importance of social channels,
                  it was decided to set up a series of targeted strategies and from spring 2023 a new project to implement
                  the University’s digital communication was launched, starting with Unimore channels on Instagram, Face-
                  book, LinkedIn and Twitter, and ending with Google campaigns (Search and Ads). Messages are differenti-
                  ated according to the channel used and the relevant target audience. Instagram, the channel that reaches
                  an audience between the ages of 18 and 25, offers messages and reels that are characterised by simplicity
                  and speed of storytelling and posts with a direct register, with the aim of increasing user interaction. The
                  connection to the “trends of the moment” has also been increased, i.e. the use of the most success-
                  ful content on the platform, which, thanks to Instagram’s algorithm, allows more users and reactions. On
                  Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, where the audience is on average between 35 and 60 years old, messages
                  have been chosen mostly for the families of young university-age students, for potential employers, or in
                  general to enhance the University’s reputation. A very important tool to make the peculiarities of Unimore
                  known to a wide audience is Google. The reason obviously lies in the extensive use of the search engine, in
                  fact a “Google Ads” campaign has recently been promoted, which through sponsored links encourages the
                  growth of interactions towards the official Unimore site. Specifically, very structured work has been done for
                  the “Futuro studente” (future student) page, which gathers all the useful information for starting a study path
                  at Unimore.

                                  egli ultimi tre anni – dall’i-  si il 400%) per passare a Facebook cresciuto
                                  nizio del nuovo mandato      da 13.900 a 21.500 follower (+55%), a Lin-
                                  rettorale – i canali social   kedIn, passato da 57.600 a 84.900 (+47,5%),
                                  dell’Università di Modena e   per chiudere con Twitter, il cui incremento lo ha
                  NReggio Emilia hanno regi-                   portato da 4.840 a 6.250 seguaci (+30%).
                strato ragguardevoli livelli di crescita: a partire dal   Per dare un ulteriore impulso a questo pro-
                profilo Instagram che tra fine 2019 e i primi mesi   cesso di crescita, si è scelto di mettere in atto
                del 2023 è passato dai circa 5mila a quasi     una serie di strategie mirate, anche al fine di es-

                20mila utenti (segnando un incremento di qua-

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