Page 20 - focusUnimore_luglio2023
P. 20

Comunicare la terza missione

                  Communicating the third mission

                  The constantly active role that universities play is that of the so-called “third mission”, i.e. the set of activi-
                  ties that the university carries out for and with all players in the social, economic and cultural context. With
                  companies and institutions, both local and national, with economic and cultural associations, with schools
                  and third sector bodies, but also with private citizens interested in learning about developments in scientific
                  research for professional purposes or out of a pure desire for personal growth. The term that well reflects
                  this effort by universities to seek deeper contact with the external environment is “Engaged University”. It
                  reflects the willingness of universities to take on these needs for innovation and to assume greater re-
                  sponsibility in the development of society. By becoming “engaged” the university has much to give, much
                  knowledge and resources to share, many new skills to deliver. But it also has much to gain by engaging
                  in dialogue with the different communities with which universities interact and learning from their knowl-
                  edge and wealth of practical experience. The third mission is about contact, dialogue, exchange. This is
                  why communication is central to the third mission. It makes its role intelligible and makes its opportunities
                  understood. It gives rise to interactions and creates the conditions for involving individuals and organisations
                  outside the universities. The new edition of the third mission section on the university website (https://www.
         aims to focus on the core third mission activities carried out in our university.

                                  li atenei sono universalmen-  me di attività che l’università svolge per, e in
                                  te noti per il ruolo che gioca-  interazione con, tutti gli attori del contesto
                                  no come attori centrali per   sociale, economico e culturale. Con imprese
                                  l’avanzamento della ricerca   e istituzioni, locali e nazionali, con associa-
                  Gscientifica e per la formazio-              zioni economiche e culturali, con scuole ed
                ne delle nuove generazioni.                    enti del terzo settore, ma anche con privati

                  Sono queste le due missioni più conosciute.   cittadini interessati a conoscere l’evoluzio-
                                                               ne nella ricerca scientifica per scopi pro-
                  Meno conosciuto è il ruolo costantemente attivo   fessionali o per puro desiderio di crescita
                che le università svolgono operando come sogget-  personale.
                ti che intervengono direttamente nel loro contesto
                esterno di riferimento, la cosiddetta “terza mis-  Con la terza missione l’università esercita un

                sione”. Quest’ultima è costituita da quell’insie-  ruolo attivo a supporto delle due missioni tradizio-

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