Page 30 - focusUnimore_marzo2022
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Il Laboratorio su Genere, Linguaggio,

        Comunicazione_Digitale - GLIC_D di Unimore:
        l’uso del linguaggio di genere nella comunicazione

        pubblica digitale

                  The Workshop on Gender, Language, Digital Communication - GLIC_D of Unimore that explores the
                  use of gender language in digital public communication

                  In 2020, the Laboratory on Gender, Language, Digital Communication GLIC_D was created in Unimore by
                  Professor Cecilia Robustelli: it examines the use of non-sexist and gender language in the context of digital
                  public communication and, in particular, Digital Public Administration and European Digital Agenda, as a
                  necessary tool to “to ensure full and effective participation of women and equal opportunities for leader-
                  ship at every political, economic and public decision-making level” (objective 5.5 of the UN Agenda 2030).
                  GLIC_D’s research focuses on English, French, German, Italian and Spanish languages for which the
                  Department of Linguistic and Cultural Studies has a series of specialists who are part of the Laboratory: Pro-
                  fessor Vincenzo Gannuscio, Professor Silvia Modena, Professor Valerio Nardoni, and Ms Chiara Urru. GLIC_D
                  aims to intensify the existing international relations with the reference language institutions of the languages
                  covered by the research, the European Federation of National Institutions for Language of which Professor
                  Cecilia Robustelli is a member, professor of Italian Linguistics in Unimore. At national level, collaboration is
                  enhanced with the Accademia della Crusca and with the CNR Institute of Legal Data Processing and Judicial
                  Systems ( IGSG), an Italian and international reference point for improving the quality of regulatory texts.
                  University. This type of activity is planned to be implemented in 2022.

                        n Unimore è nato nel 2020 il Laborato-  partecipazione femminile e pari opportunità
                        rio su Genere, Linguaggio, Comuni-     di leadership ad ogni livello decisionale in
                        cazione_Digitale GLIC_D che intende    ambito politico, economico e della vita pub-
                        esaminare l’uso del linguaggio non     blica” (obiettivo 5.5 dell’Agenda Onu 2030).
                  Isessista  e  di  genere  nel  contesto        Le ricerche del GLIC_D vertono sulle lingue ita-
                della comunicazione pubblica digitale e, in    liana, francese, inglese, spagnola, tedesca per le

                particolare, della Pubblica Amministrazione Digita-  quali il Dipartimento di Studi Linguisti e Cultura-
                le e dell’Agenda Digitale Europea,  come strumen-  li dispone di una serie di specialisti/e che fanno
                to necessario a “garantire piena ed effettiva

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